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When a body's laid out in a coffin, you know, all the weight's in the end where the head and trunk rest. Here you see the heaviest bar of lead is in the middle; the lightest at the feet. Clever!" "Clear out all the sawdust," said some one. "Let's see if there's anything else." There was something else. At the bottom of the coffin two bundles of papers, tied up with pink tape.

He talked about the Zigler like a lover, Sir, and I drew him diagrams of the hopper-feed and recoil-cylinder in his note-book. He asked the one British question I was waiting for, 'Hadn't I made my working-parts too light? The British think weight's strength. "At last I'd been shy of opening the subject before at last I said, 'Gentlemen, you are the unprejudiced tribunal I've been hunting after.

She went for it to her dressing-room, and came back with one easy to carry, long in the stem and small in the tank, from which, to make it brighter, she had lifted off the shade. Gerald reached to take it from her, but she refused his help. "The weight's nothing. I want you to be free to look around. Coming, Estelle?" "I'll join you in a minute." They went down the wide stairs side by side.

Humming brought about a return to his usual wide-awakefulness, and he began to notice things. "Shay rides like a gun," he said suddenly. Kirby grunted. "All the weight's behind and " He put his head out of the window to investigate, but Kirby ordered him to sit still. "Want to be recognized?" he demanded. "Keep your head inside, you young ass!"

"Not yet; and, as long as we can keep the truth from her, she had better not know. We must get her a little stronger, if we can, first. That woman, Mrs. Denny, is worth her weight in gold, and her weight's not inconsiderable. She has her wits about her, and has contrived to meet all difficulties so far." Ormiston sat in the same dejected attitude. "But my sister is bound to know before long."

He had promised the girl his help, and when the hole was sunk he chose the best spot for the next with fastidious care. He meant to play a straight game, although it would cost him much to let her win. By and by the miner picked up some of the bits of stone. "Weight's all right; guess the stuff's carrying heavy metal," he remarked. "Still, I've seen a lode pinch out.

"Look ye here," said Ike, waving his arms about from the top of the pile of baskets, and addressing me as if from a rostrum. "When you loads a cart, reck'lect as all your weight's to come on your axle-tree. Your load's to be all ballancy ballancy, you see, so as you could move it up or down with a finger." "Oh yes, I see!" I cried. "Oh yes, you see now I've telled you," said Ike.

'Because they are staking everything, Blenkiron replied. 'It is the last desperate struggle of a wounded beast, and in these struggles sometimes the hunter perishes. Dick's right. We've got a wasting margin and every extra ounce of weight's going to tell. The battle's in the field, and it's also in every corner of every Allied land.

You've got the racing build and the fighting weight, an' there ain't no feathers on your legs." "No, sir, Mr. Dog, your weight's to the good, and that ear can be ironed out by any respectable dog doctor. I bet there's a hundred men in Sydney right now that would fork over twenty quid for the right of calling you his."

"I don't mind a dead man, but these are so clammy and slimy that they are horrible to touch. There, stand between him and the wall, put a foot under him, roll him over. There, nothing could be better! Now then, off we go with him. The weight's more than twice as much as the others."