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There was fresh knocking at the door, but the group within the parlor had enough to think about just then without entertaining callers. "Now you're talking simply about yourselves and your office-holders and your dirty profits. You're calling that mess of nasty confederacy 'Our Party," declared General Waymouth, passionately.

In the presence of this gracious old knight of the heroic days of history he had felt his heart swelling as he remembered the record that all men of his State knew. The fervor of his admiration showed so plainly in his glistening eyes that General Waymouth was touched, and waited indulgently. "General, it's only because my grandfather is your old friend and has commanded me that I dare to speak.

I'll tell you this, Harlan, and it's straight: if I help to make Waymouth our next Governor, I'll help to make him a good one provided he needs any of my help in that line. Now go and attend to your business." There were few at the railroad station, and those few paid little heed to General Waymouth when he stepped down from the train.

He had already drawn some consolation from the fact that General Waymouth had modified in a measure the planks that he submitted for the party platform. He followed up this as a step that hinted a general compromise, and at last frankly presented his requests.

My affection for an old man who has set his heart on your success has brought me into this affair, and I assure you I don't enjoy the situation. You are not asked to betray any one, or desert any high moral pinnacle, or do anything else that the moralists say all these fine things about without knowing what they mean half the time. You are reminded of this: that there's only one General Waymouth.

It's getting too near election." General Waymouth looked up at his old friend, studying his face. He found only the bland cordiality of the ancient days. "I've been waiting, myself, Thelismer," he returned. "And I'll add that I don't intend to wait much longer. I'm not referring to you, now. I refer to Presson and his gang. I presume you are still close to them.

And a State that will do what this State is doing now I'm not saying who's at fault but the State that will handle a law in this way is a blackleg. I believe in General Waymouth. I believe he's got something up his sleeve in the way of real reform. I believe he meant what he said.

"Presson likes the frame-up, Harlan," said the Duke, smiling broadly. "He isn't even jealous because I thought of it first." "Who else could have pulled it off as you have, Thelismer? It would take more than straight politics to get Vard Waymouth out of his den. And I could have offered only politics."

"Our business will occupy but a short time, and I suggest that it will be for your personal interest to listen now, sir." It was an unfortunate bit of obstinacy. "I regulate my own hours for engagements, Mr. Prouty. You have come on your own business, and it must await my convenience." "It's your business I come on, General Waymouth, and I advise you to listen!

The secretaries were announced, the temporary organization was made permanent, and, advancing against a blast of band-music and a salvo of applause, the Senator-chairman began his address. "Now," remarked General Waymouth, grimly, "I am ready to open headquarters in earnest. My boy, in that anteroom across the stage you'll find your grandfather and Mr.