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"Meanwhile the kiddies had better not have them," Mrs. Schuler decided, so they were put aside with the basket, to be finished later when the needed tips should be procured in Rosemont. "You got off pretty well, that time, sir," laughed Roger. "What were you trying to do?" "I wath an Indian thooting bearth. Vladimir wath a bear." "A Russian bear.

'Any way, said Sleary, after putting his lips to his brandy and water, 'ith fourteen month ago, Thquire, thinthe we wath at Chethter. We wath getting up our Children in the Wood one morning, when there cometh into our Ring, by the thtage door, a dog. He had travelled a long way, he wath in a very bad condithon, he wath lame, and pretty well blind.

"You are now three thousand five hundred feet in the air," announced the guide, rather proudly. "Ith that what maketh Buthter tho uppithh thith afternoon?" questioned Tommy. "It may be what makes you so light-headed," retorted Margery. "There! Now, will you be good?" jeered Jane. "Yeth. That wath a good one. Too bad you don't thay thomething bright every day.

He wath throw'd a heavy back-fall off a Elephant in a thort of a Pagoda thing ath the Thultan of the Indieth, and he never got the better of it; and thee married a thecond time married a Cheethemonger ath fell in love with her from the front and he'th a Overtheer and makin' a fortun. These various changes, Mr.

But what I thay, Thquire, ith, that good tempered or bad tempered, I never did a horthe a injury yet, no more than thwearing at him went, and that I don't expect I thall begin otherwithe at my time of life, with a rider. I never wath much of a cackler, Thquire, and I have thed my thay." The latter part of this speech was addressed to Mr. The last words had a visible effect upon her.

"She wath the captain of the 'Red Rover' latht year." "And sunk it," chuckled Crazy Jane. "If you will tell me what to do, I shall be glad to start, Captain." "All right. Get hold of that halyard and see if you can haul the sail up," he answered, grinning mischievously. Captain Billy had not the least idea that she possessed the strength to raise the sail. But Harriet surprised him.

"The Jew caught the lapel of my coat and exclaimed impressively: "'The lath man wath a fool. Got himself mixthed up with the crookth. Thet up a roulette table in the thellar and let 'em come and gamble away their thwag. Thtoopid thing to do, though, mind you, he did a rare good line while it lathted. Got the sthuff for nothing, you thee. His tone at this point was regretfully sympathetic.

The other tracks had not treated him kindly, and but for the kindness of his equine friends, whom he slept with and tended, he might have come back to Washington on the wooden steps. But he was back, and that was happiness for him. Broke? "Well," said Schwalliger, in answer to a trainer's question, "I ain't exactly broke, Misthah Johnthon, but I wath pretty badly bent.

A performance was just beginning when they arrived, and they found the culprit in the ring, disguised as a black servant. When the performance was over, Mr. Sleary came out and greeted them with great heartiness, exclaiming; "Thethilia, it doth me good to thee you. You wath always a favorite with uth, and you've done uth credit thinth the old timeth, I'm thure."

But the general tone is maintained throughout the five books, discussing the same characters who appear and reappear, the Peabody Yid, Mary Smith, the young and popular Prime Minister, "Methlinghamhurtht, Clutterbuck that wath," and the excellent Mr.