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My closet, through yonder door, is thy waiting-room. Ask for, and send hither, Lusignan of Lyons; he is my chief scribe, and will see to thy comforts, and instruct thee in thy business." Angelo withdrew Montreal's eye followed him. "A strange likeness!" said he, musingly and sadly; "my heart leaps to that boy!"

"She is not hurt, thank God not even a scratch only a little shaken. Fetch a glass of water, you'll find one in the booking-office." Gurwood ran out to fetch it. As he was returning he met Captain Lee leading his daughter out of the waiting-room. "I sincerely hope that your daughter is not hurt," he said, in earnest tones. "Perhaps a little water might "

Scarce an opinion but has its expositor and its place of exhibition in this peaceful old Paternoster Row, under the toll of the bells of Saint Paul. Pen looked in at all the windows and shops, as a gentleman who is going to have an interview with the dentist examines the books on the waiting-room table. He remembered them afterwards.

"Your father's train is due at 6.55, and it is only 6.40 now; we still have a quarter of an hour to wait, and more, if the train is not punctual!" They went into the little station and Charles Rambert, thankful for some shelter from the cold, stamped his feet, making a sudden uproar in the empty waiting-room. A porter appeared.

On returning to the waiting-room, he addressed a characteristic question to the assembled visitors. "More humbug?" asked the gentleman who liked to talk to a pretty woman. The servant completely puzzled by his own stupidity attempted to make his apologies. "Pray forgive me, gentlemen," he said. "I am afraid I have confused the cards I distribute with the cards returned to me.

After a few minutes, the persistent man who had insisted upon seeing the editor came through the general waiting-room, the secretary, or clerk, or whoever he was, following him. "Has your name been sent in, madam?" the young man asked Miss Baxter, as she rose. "I think not," answered the girl. "Would you take my card to Mr. Hardwick, and tell him I will detain him but a few moments?"

She will be anxious." "Not if you telegraph first thing in the morning," said Hugo, soothingly. "Or stay: I'll tell you what you can do. Come with me here, into the waiting-room now you can write your message on a leaf of my pocket-book, and we will leave it with the station-master, to be sent off as soon as possible."

The telegram had been: "Very slightly feverish again," and signed "Mimo." "Now I remember where I have seen your wife before," said Laura. And Tristram said absently, "Where?" "In the waiting-room at Waterloo station and yet no, it could not have been she, because she was quite ordinarily dressed, and she was talking very interestedly to a foreign man."

It stirred in the wake of quiet-moving men, mostly under thirty-five, who entered the outer door, passed through the waiting-room, and disappeared behind a partition. Banneker felt like shaking himself lest he should be eventually buried under its impalpable sifting. Two hours and a half had passed since he had sent in his name on a slip of paper, to Mr. Gordon, managing editor of the paper.

His roving eye lighted on the anxious figure, which as fully as the anxious face, of a short, stout, elderly man expressed a sort of distraction, as he stood loaded down with umbrellas, bags, bundles, and wraps, and seemed unable to arrest the movements of a tall young girl, with a travelling-shawl trailing from her arm, who had the effect of escaping from him towards a bench beside the door of the waiting-room.