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"I'll miss you. Love that T-shirt." He meant what was underneath. She wiggled in her chair, pleased. "I've got the day off tomorrow," she told him. "I'd love to see you." "Good deal. Here, after work?" They agreed and she watched him leave, walking slowly. She wanted to tell him about her decision, but he had a lot on his mind. It could wait until tomorrow.

At length, desiring, that Ludovico would wait on the stair-case, and detaining Annette, she told the stranger, that her woman understood very little Italian, and begged he would communicate what he wished to say, in that language. Having withdrawn to a distant part of the corridor, he said, with a long-drawn sigh, 'You, madam, are no stranger to me, though I am so unhappy as to be unknown to you.

A little abashed, Tartarin handed over his ticket, and falling in behind the representative of the Dark Continent, clambered down by the hanging-ladder into a big skiff dancing alongside. All his effects were already there boxes, trunks, gun-cases, tinned food, so cramming up the boat that there was no need to wait for any other passengers.

Twigs whipped my face, thorns and brambles dragged at my clothes, hidden obstacles lay in wait for my feet, for the wood grew denser as I advanced, but I pushed on, heedless alike of these and of what direction I took.

She stopped in astonishment at the unwonted sight of visitors to the farm, and ran to call her mistress to the scene. "You may wait for me here, girls, while I do my business with Mrs. Brand," said Miss Frazer; "or if you like you may walk back to the stile, and I will overtake you in the wood." Mrs.

Eva was breathing heavily when she emerged from the forest and stopped to wait until Sister Perpetua had finished her prayer in the chapel and overtook her.

I have to crawl while others walk. I have to wait and procrastinate, where another might rush in and dare." Again that first expression of Satan fallen overpowered the casual ease and even levity of his face. But he shifted his eyes lest Barbara see into them and be frightened by that which smouldered in their stony depths.

I wish I wish you could think differently about it and forgive me if I have offended you." "There is nothing to be gained by prolonging this conversation, which is not pleasant to me," returned the other haughtily, advancing to the bell to summon the servant. "Wait one moment please don't ring yet," cried Fan, hurrying forward, the tears now starting from her eyes.

A little creature like you would soon be smothered by it, and we should not be able to find you again. Wait a bit till it freezes, then you will be able to walk over the hard snow." Heidi did not like the thought of having to wait, but the days were so busy that she hardly knew how they went by.

"No," said the general, sternly, "we can wait no longer. I need you for something else." "You mean ?" "I mean that I shall carry out the original plan. Mr. Sempland has forfeited any consideration whatever at our hands." "Then I am to ?" Lacy pointed toward the David. "Unless you wish to back out." "No one has ever used these words to me, sir," answered Lacy, proudly.