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Sometimes it's just the 'Thank you, she gives when somebody insists on givin' us their seat and they're always doin' that givin' us seats, I mean. And sometimes it's the way she smiles at a baby or a dog. All dogs everywhere wag their tails at her, anyway, and all babies, big and little, smile and reach out to her.

As a matter of fact, the chairman seldom, if ever, had any need to use this instrument, though on one occasion some wag removed it before the proceedings commenced, and substituted in its place the huge railway-bell used by Mullins, the school-porter; a jest which greatly incensed the grave and dignified assembly on whom it was practised. There was a proper mahogany ballot-box.

But not without a bitter fight by those of the committee who think the pronoun "she" is infinitely more to be admired. Little Wanderobo Dog did not wait to be adopted. He adopted us, but not ostentatiously at first just a friendly wag here and there to show that he had at last found what he was looking for.

"Humph! it is a difficult case to manage; but you should not shrink from responsibility; you should be firm with her." "That's just what I can't be with the witch, confound her! she is such a wag, such a drole, such a mimic; disobeys me in such a mocking, cajoling, affectionate way. I could not give her pain if her soul depended on it!" "Then you should talk to her; try moral suasion."

Never give way to it yourself, nor ever encourage it in others; it is the most illiberal of all buffoonery; it is an insult on the person you mimic; and insults, I have often told you, are seldom forgiven. As to a mimic or a wag, he is little else than a buffoon, who will distort his mouth and his eyes to make people laugh.

The balcony scene was interrupted by shrieks of laughter, for in the midst of one of Juliet's impassioned exclamations, Romeo quietly took out his snuff-box and applied a pinch to his nose; on this a wag in the gallery bawled out, "I say, Romeo, give us a pinch," when the impassioned lover, in the most affected manner, walked to the side boxes and offered the contents of his box first to the gentlemen, and then, with great gallantry, to the ladies.

I shall then present you to her. She will commend your modesty and gentleness; we will send for your father, and then where is the tongue that shall venture to wag against the fame of Eily Cregan!" The young man left her, a little chagrined at her apparent slowness in appreciating his noble condescension.

He had done the work of a plain soldier, and he liked it liked his temporary comrades, who were frankly men to men with him, in spite of his friendship with their superiors on top of the hill. To the big soldier, Abe Long, the wag of the regiment, he had been drawn with genuine affection.

Mike knew the landlord of the White Boar well; he was the wag of the village team. Every village team, for some mysterious reason, has its comic man. In the Lower Borlock eleven Mr. Barley filled the post. He was a large, stout man, with a red and cheerful face, who looked exactly like the jovial innkeeper of melodrama.

I was in a mood when I had to wag my tongue to some one and ease myself of some spreading fancies. So I dropped down beside him. "Monsieur," I began by way of introduction to my theme, "are you indeed a yeoman?" He looked up with an excess of solemnity. "No, monsieur." This was not the answer I had expected, though, in truth, I had given the matter little thought. "Then you are a gentleman?"