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Next time you pass one, look at it. I have not the slightest doubt that this was the way the mistake was made. We have an occasional wag at the South, and some one has practised upon a soft-hearted New Englander in search of horrors; this is the result. She mentions that the ashes were black. Do not infer from this that it must have been a black man or negro.

Then he asked her, by way of a joke, but with a serious face, what brought her there, he pretending to believe she had come to take the keys of Paris by assault. To which the poor innocent replied, that she was in search of a good situation, and had no evil intentions, only desiring to gain something. "'Very well; I will employ you, said the wag.

To which Cuffy replied with a bark, which one might imagine should come from a dog in the last stage of whooping-cough, and with a wag of his tail not merely at the root thereof, but a distinct wag that extended obviously along its entire length to the extreme point.

On hearing these words, Leo began to wag his tail joyfully, and then, putting his paws on the bed, licked the hand she playfully held out to him. "O, cousin Minnie," cried Ida, "here are some beautiful stories. Let me read them to you." "An English terrier was brought up in a family where there was a little girl, with whom he was a great favorite.

Other retorts followed, which Reddy Clammer deigned not to notice. At last he got a bat that suited him and then, importantly, dramatically, with his cap jauntily riding his red locks, he marched to the plate. Some wag in the bleachers yelled into the silence, "Oh, Maggie, your lover has come!"

"Would you like to put on your hat and come for a drive in the Park?" But while she was gone to put her hat on, he frowned. The Park! James and Emily! Mrs. Nicholas, or some other member of his precious family would be there very likely, prancing up and down. And they would go and wag their tongues about having seen him with her, afterwards. Better not!

He also wished to relive his anxiety, by inquiring concerning the state of things at the Castle, when he was surprised to hear, bursting from the taproom of the loyal old host, a well-known song of the Commonwealth time, which some puritanical wag had written in reprehension of the Cavaliers, and their dissolute courses, and in which his father came in for a lash of the satirist.

As may be supposed, the exhibition was greeted with universal laughter, clapping of hands, and shouts of encore, to which the canine performer responded by wagging all that there was to wag of his tail, but appeared totally unable to repeat his very successful effort to amuse the spectators.

'A lady! said I 'Why, she's But I wasn't allowed to say what she was, for the shareholder who had arrived in the motor, fixed a deadly glance upon me and said 'If you value your po-seetion' he was a Lowland Scot, with the Lowland accent 'if you value your po-seetion on this paper, you'll hold your tongue! So I did hold my tongue then but only because I meant to wag it more violently afterwards.

She was laughed at and looked upon as mad by the careless people. A pork-butcher in the town, a noted wag, took some pig's blood and sprinkled it round the eyes of the stone lions. This had the desired effect, for when Niang-tzu saw the blood she fled from the city amid the jeers and laughter of the inhabitants.