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France has adjusted itself to a state of war and thousands of women are either in Government service and munition factories, or in the reopened shops and restaurants. The Waddingtons being the great people of their district were, of course, looked upon by the peasant farmers and villagers as aristocrats of illimitable wealth.

All that the Waddingtons and Postlethwaites had done to him was to raise the bridge of his nose, and to thicken his lips slightly without altering their wide, vivacious twirl. He considered Barbara. "You're going to help him to write his book, aren't you?" "I hope so," said Barbara. "You've got a nerve. He pretty well did for Ralph Bevan. He's worse than shell-shock when he once gets going."

Immensely popular with the county, which I suppose is all you care about. You must remember, Mrs. Levitt, that he's Mr. Waddington of Wyck; you're not fighting one Mr. Waddington, but three hundred years of Waddingtons. You're up against all his ancestors." "I don't care that for his ancestors," said Mrs. Levitt with a gesture of the thumb. "You may not. I certainly don't. But other people do.

"Yes, darling, yes; I know what you did it for. ... Oh, I wish she wasn't so horribly badly off." "So do I, then it wouldn't have happened. But how can you be such an angel to her, Fanny?" "I'm not. I'm only decent. I hate using our position to break her poor back. Telling her we're Waddingtons of Wyck and she's only Mrs. Levitt." "It was the handiest weapon. And you didn't use it.

She was walking home with Ralph Bevan through the Waddingtons' park, down the main drive that led from Wyck-on-the-Hill to Lower Wyck Manor. It wouldn't be surprising, she thought, if Fanny were in love with her cousin; he was, as she put it to herself, so distinctly "fallable-in-love-with."

The two Madame Waddingtons concluded to show these poor women with their coarse red hands how to knit until their fingers grew more supple. Each package contained a flannel shirt, drawers, stomach band, waistcoat or jersey, two pairs of socks, two handkerchiefs, a towel, a piece of soap. Any donations of tobacco or rolled cigarettes were also included.

The Journal here has: October 28th. Dinner of The Club to Lord Dufferin before his departure for India. November 14th. Dinner at Lady Molesworth's to the Waddingtons. December 3rd. Small dinner at Lord Cork's, with Gladstone and Sir H. James. From Sir Henry Taylor Bournemouth, December 10th. Dear Mr.

They wandered about, desolate and bored, until the two Madame Waddingtons furnished a reading-room, provided with letter paper and post-cards, books and, I hope, by this time a gramophone. Here they sit and smoke, read, or get up little plays. As the château is now occupied by the staff the two patronesses are obliged to go back and forth from Paris, and this they do once a week at least.

And in consequence of the revelations she had made to her friend, Miss Gregg, very early in the New Year Elise found other doors closed to her besides the Markhams' and the Waddingtons'. And behind the doors on each side of the White House respectable householders could sleep in their beds on Friday nights without fear of being wakened by the opening and shutting of Mrs.

Waddingtons had held Lower Wyck Manor for ten generations, whereas Sir John Corbett's father had bought Underwoods and rebuilt it somewhere in the 'seventies. On the other hand Sir John was the largest and richest landowner in the place. He could buy up Wyck on the Hill to morrow and thrive on the transaction.