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This was somewhat disastrous to fineness and clearness, and Ransome's no doubt would have perished but for the persistence with which he held Violet sacred as the mother of his child. Her attitude to the child was still incomprehensible to him, but he was beginning to accept it, perceiving that it had some obscure foundation in her temperament. And in that case she would get over it in time.

At ten minutes to midnight the moon, a great golden half-disc, swimming in a violet sky flecked with great islands of soft, fleecy cloud, touched the high land of Liau-ti-shan; and as she sank behind it, the order was given to stop our engines and lay-to for a short while, as we had made a good passage and were somewhat ahead of our scheduled time; also to await the return and report of the destroyers.

'But, mamma, Helen wanted to dig up all Cousin Hugh's little green things. Violet was thus reminded that she must seek after her daughter, whom she found revelling in mischief, and was obliged to sentence to dire disgrace, causing general commiseration, excepting that her papa, ignorant that it was his own fault, declared children to be the greatest plagues in the world.

Violet was able to talk quite pleasantly about the marriage, and to agree with everybody's praises of Lady Mabel's beauty, elegance, good style, and general perfection. Christmas and the New Year went by, not altogether sadly. It is not easy for youth to be full of sorrow. The clouds come and go, there are always glimpses of sunshine.

After that, Phineas went up to Portman Square, in accordance with the instructions received from Lady Laura. There he saw Violet Effingham, meeting her for the first time since he had parted from her on the great steps at Saulsby. Of course he spoke to her, and of course she was gracious to him. But her graciousness was only a smile and his speech was only a word.

Violet took leave of her young mother-in-law, and followed Cora from the sick room. "Now, Rose, close all the shutters; darken the room and sit beside the head of my bed. Don't speak until you are spoken to; don't move; don't even read; but sit still, silent, attentive, while I try to rest." Rose obeyed all his orders, and then sat like a dead woman, back in the resting chair beside him.

He bent a little lower over the table. The perfume of violet scent was almost unbearable, but he did not flinch. "You had some news for me?" he asked eagerly. "Yes!" she answered. "I'm not going to tell you now. We are going to sit outside after dinner. You must come to us there. No good having smart friends unless you make use of them," she added, with a shrill little laugh.

First a lavation; this Virginian incense is more agreeable to devout worshippers like you and me than to the uninitiated. Sandford, or even that delicate spring violet of yours, if we should find the nook where she blooms." "You are the most tantalizing fellow! How provokingly cool you are, to stand dallying as though you were going on the most indifferent errand!

"If we takes twenty-five dollars in cash we only buys twenty-five dollars' worth with un. If we trades un in we gets thirty dollars' worth with un, whatever." "I can't argue with you, I see," and the man appeared to relinquish his effort to buy the fur. Marks made no further reference to the pelts, indeed, until after Mrs. Twig and Violet had retired that evening to the inner room and to bed.

A tea, a musicale, and an evening dance kept Violet Strange in a whirl for the remainder of the day.