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Her voice held the vibrance of a dreamer and her eyes were looking toward the horizon as if they were seeing visions off across the moonlit water. "I might fail miserably, of course, but I should know that I'd had my chance.

Dark fell quickly, and, with the dark, came a low palpitating rumble, that distant throbbing of sound, that malevolent vibrance which gives to every Haitian moonlit night an oppression and a fear all its own. "Rhoo-oo-oom Rhoo-oo-oom Rhoo-oo-oom!" Muffled, dull, pulsating, unceasing, the thrummed tom-tom set all the air in motion.

"I live in a quarter where there are a good many convents and at dawn the air is a-tingle with the vibrance of the chimes. When I was ill I used to lie awake at night awaiting the sound of the matin bells and welcoming them as a deliverance.

"Pull yore trigger an' be damned ter ye we'll meet in hell afore long anyhow." When Thornton spoke again the naked and honest wrath that had smouldered for a year like a banked fire at last leaped into untrammelled blazing. "I don't strike down even a man like you outen sheer hate an' vengeance," he declared, with an electrical vibrance of pitch.

On the contrary, she had intelligence and feeling. There had been a rich vibrance in her voice as she told of that frightful ordeal; a dimness had come into her eyes as she spoke of her mother gabbling feverishly of the green hills and babbling brooks; she had yearned maternally at mention of those wretched little children.

"I beg your pardon: I know that we shall work it out together, with absolute mutual trust." Such an earnest vibrance was in his voice that somehow she was reminded of another voice: her mind went back to the neglected letter to Jack. What could have caused her to be so remiss?

"Thank you," he said, his voice almost inaudible, and yet with that peculiar vibrance in it. "I was afraid I worried you." "No, no," said Celia; "I am always sorry when you leave off. You play me to sleep sometimes and and keep me from brooding. Not that I have any cause to brood," she added, quickly; "for I count myself lucky."

Other Europeans and Americans found those interesting, at least, a little. Brooke and I swam every day off the wharf of the çhefferie. The water was four or five fathoms deep, dazzling in the vibrance of the Southern sun, and Brooke, a brilliant blond, gleamed in the violet radiancy like a dream figure of ivory.

He went to the farthest end of the gardens, where there was deep shadow, and a seaward outlook over the cliff wall. There the glare of electric bulbs and blazing doorways was softened, and the orchestra's music was modulated. Presently he was startled by a ripple of laughter at his shoulder, low and rich in musical vibrance. "Ah, it is not like this in your gray, fog-wrapped country."

It trembled violently under her touch. "And, oh, boy," she broke out, with a voice of pent-up vibrance, "don't you see how I want to listen to you?" He bent forward until he was very close, and his tone was almost fierce in its tense eagerness. "You want to! Why?"