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The Jews were potential Germans, and Germany, who sat by with folded hands when Arabs and Armenians were led to torture and death, put up a warning finger, and, for the present, saved them. In her whole conduct of the war, nothing has been more characteristic than her 'verboten' to one projected massacre and her acquiescence in others.

To direct the steps of wanderers in his beloved Engadine was a real pleasure to him. For an instant he forgot that they had both spoken German. "No, no!" he cried animatedly. "For lek him go by village. Bad road dissa way. No cross ze field. Verboten!" Then Helen remembered that trespassers are sternly warned off the low lying lands in the mountains. Grass is scarce and valuable.

Therefore he took counsel with himself, saying: "I shall now erect statues to myself. Dynasties change and wars rage, and folks grow fickle and tear down statues. None of that for your Uncle Dudley K. Verboten!

Writing in a Berlin café, he says: Here tulips bloom as they are told; Unkempt about those hedges blows An English unofficial rose; And there the unregulated sun Slopes down to rest when day is done, And wakes a vague unpunctual star, A slippered Hesper; and there are Meads toward Haslingfleld and Coton Where das Betreten's not verboten.... Oh, is the water sweet and cool, Gentle and brown, above the pool?

In half an hour I got very bored, for I had nothing to read and my pipe was verboten. People passed now and then in the corridors, but no one offered to enter. No doubt they saw the big figure in uniform and thought he was the deuce of a staff swell who wanted solitude.

Billeting officers had gone from house to house, chalking upon the doors such legends as "Drei Männer," "6 Offiziere Eingang verboten," and, on rare occasions "Gute Leute hier." The trembling inhabitants had been forced to wait on their uninvited guests as they clamoured noisily for wine and liqueurs.

And I want Lady-bread-and-butter, and oh, Ellen, will you have time for little pound cakes?" She knew of course that pound cakes were verboten. She felt, however, that even Mr. Hoover might sanction a fatted calf in the face of this supreme event. She planned that she would receive Derry in the small drawing room. It was an informal room which had been kept by her mother for intimate friends.

And I am, though to nothing else. I'm as free as the wind, dear lady, or I wouldn't be holidaying here with a tractor-plow that makes my legs ache and a prairie Penelope, who, for some reason or other, has the power of making my heart ache." "Verboten!" I promptly interjected. Peter saluted and then sighed.

"I'd rather be a gipsy on the road," had been Jean's passionate declaration, "and free, than a princess with a 'verboten' sign at all the palace gates." There were wisps of gauze, too, in her memory book, a red cross, drawings in which were caricatured some of the women who worked in the surgical dressing rooms.

All exercise was denied, except possibly for the brief stretch accompanied by the sentry to fetch the mid-day meal of soup, assuming the offence permitted such food in the dietary, from the cook-house. Conversation with a fellow-creature was rigidly verboten. It was solitary confinement in its most brutal form. The method of punishment was typically Prussian.