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There were soldiers standing on street corners; soldiers staring woodenly into shop windows; soldiers halted suddenly into stone, like lizards, at the approach of Offiziere; Offiziere lounging stiffly four abreast, sweeping the pavement with their trailing sabres all at one angle.

His memory still survived in the barracks through the later editions of his former delightful stupidities, many of them, it is to be feared, were inventions, and stories that were supposed to have come from Rheinfestung were described in the slang of the Offiziere as being "colossal."

I had just read: "Reise und Entdeckungen zwei fronzosischer offiziere, Rittmeisters Morhange und Oberleutnants de Saint-Avit, in westlichen Sahara." At the same time I heard my comrade's voice. "Anything interesting in this number?" "No," I answered carelessly. "Let's see." I obeyed; what else was there to do? It seemed to me that he grew paler as he ran over the index.

Billeting officers had gone from house to house, chalking upon the doors such legends as "Drei Männer," "6 Offiziere Eingang verboten," and, on rare occasions "Gute Leute hier." The trembling inhabitants had been forced to wait on their uninvited guests as they clamoured noisily for wine and liqueurs.

Very many of these fine lindens are being planted now in America by landscape architects, and there are some lindens on Long Island just as prim and trim as any in Berlin. Indeed, there is a sort of German "offiziere" waxed-mustache air of superiority about them, anyway!