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He then told Ivan that the name of the Princess was Vasilisa the Fair. "Her mother was the sister of Koshchei the Deathless," said the stranger, "and when she was born it was foretold that before she was eighteen Koshchei should lose his life because of her. It was for this reason that he changed her into a frog and set her in the midst of the lonely swamp.

I mourn now the sins of others. GAVRÍLOVNA. It would be better for you not to bother with other people's sins. Now you're getting ready to die, yet you talk about the sins of others. Aren't you afraid? VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Afraid of what? Why should I be afraid? GAVRÍLOVNA. Of that little black man with the hook. He's waiting for you now, I guess.

From room to room he went, and in the deepest dungeon he found the Princess Vasilisa, his own dear wife. She threw herself into his arms, weeping with joy. Then they went to Koshchei's treasure room and took from it all the most precious jewels, all that the faithful bear could carry they loaded upon his back and carried away with them.

It would have been better if you hadn't told me, nasty scamp that you are! I know how they act! They'll teach you all sorts of things! What does this mean? Be-gone! And don't you dare show yourself before my eyes! VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Ask forgiveness, you blockhead! Kiss the dear lady's hand! GRÍSHA waves his hand impatiently and goes out. MADAM ULANBÉKOV. What an affliction!

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Sing on, sing on, my dear; you sing very finely on the wing; but you'll perch pretty soon! You're not going to roam about at night for nothing. I know your tricks. I'll show you all up! I'm so mad now, that even if you bow down to my feet, I'll not forgive you. LÍZA. Just wait! I see myself bowing before you! Don't count on it!

Why, one of the petty townsmen who is apt at learning will get a rank higher than his! That's the way of the world! That's the way of the world! I shall always say loudly that it's unjust, unjust. LEONÍD. Why are Nádya's eyes red from crying? VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. She hasn't been flogged for a long time. MADAM ULANBÉKOV. That's none of your business, my dear.

What can you expect of him! He'll get wiser, then it will be altogether different. MADAM ULANBÉKOV. What offends me most is ingratitude! It seems to me he ought to feel what I am doing for him. I'm positively sick. Go for the doctor! VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Calm yourself, benefactress; as if that rabble were worth your getting upset over! MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Hand me the smelling-salts.

Vasilisa Vasena came every morning at seven o'clock; she was a country-woman of about thirty seven, strong, healthy, red-faced, reminiscent of a July day in her floridness and vigorous health. She used to say quietly: "Good morning to you, Ippolyte Ippolytovich." And he would give a base "Eh?" in a voice like a worn-out gramophone record.

MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Fiddlesticks! not all it can't be! You always make up more than half. But where were the servants? VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. All of them, benefactress, were more or less drunk. No sooner had you gone to bed, than they all went to the fair and got tipsy. Gavrílovna, Potápych, all were drunk. What an example to the young! MADAM ULANBÉKOV. This must be looked into thoroughly.

LÍZA. You don't lose any time! LEONÍD. Please come. LEONÍD. All right, I'm coming. The same and VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. I saw you, my dear, I saw you. LEONÍD. Well, what did you see? What are you going to complain about? I shall simply say that you lie. Whom are they going to believe quicker, you or me? VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. There, that's the way they all treat me.