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He had lingered at Tholouse for some time after her departure, that he might indulge the melancholy pleasure of wandering through the scenes where he had been accustomed to behold her, and had thence gone to his brother's chateau, which was in the neighbourhood of La Vallee.

«La gorge même de Monetier, ou cette grande échancrure qui sépare le grand Saleve du petit, et dans le fond de laquelle est renfermé le joli vallon de Monetier, paroît avoir été formée par un courant semblable, qui descendant des Alpes par la vallée de l'Arve, venoit se jetter dans notre grand courant; car les couches correspondantes du grand et du petit Saleve indiquent leur ancienne jonction; et l'on ne comprend pas quel agent auroit pu détacher et emporter la pièce énorme qui manque en cet endroit

She was at this time extremely jealous of Madame Visconti, from whom she suspected that Madame de Mortsauf, in the "Lys dans la Vallee," had been drawn; and Balzac says he supposes that he must give up the Italian opera, the only pleasure he has, because a charming and graceful woman occupies the same box with him.

It rises in a part of the Pyrenees, still wilder and more sublime, I think, than any we passed in the way to Rousillon. He then described its fall among the precipices of the mountains, where its waters, augmented by the streams that descend from the snowy summits around, rush into the Vallee d'Aran, between whose romantic heights it foams along, pursuing its way to the north west till it emerges upon the plains of Languedoc.

In 1532 a new Hotel de Ville was begun and finished by the architect Marin de la Vallee in the reign of Henri IV. This was so much altered by successive restorations and revolutions that only a staircase, two monumental chimney-pieces in the Salle du Trone, and some sculptured doorways and other details remained from the interior decorations in the old building at the time of its destruction.

After gracing the festivities of Chateau-le-Blanc, for some days, Valancourt and Emily took leave of their kind friends, and returned to La Vallee, where the faithful Theresa received them with unfeigned joy, and the pleasant shades welcomed them with a thousand tender and affecting remembrances; and, while they wandered together over the scenes, so long inhabited by the late Mons. and Madame St.

Buloz and Bonnaire, however, decided that it would be good policy for the first attack to be on their side, and as Balzac could not obtain his proofs from Russia for a month at least, they sued him for breach of contract in not writing "Les Memoires d'une Jeune Mariee," and claimed 10,000 francs damages for his refusal to finish the "Lys dans la Vallee"; as well as fifty francs for each day's delay in his doing this.

Sévère, the Vallée Noire, the Indre, the Creuse; how many a reader of George Sand must have desired, as I did, after frequenting them so much in thought, fairly to set eyes upon them! I had been reading Jeanne. I made up my mind to go and see Toulx Ste. Croix, Boussac, and the Druidical stones on Mont Barlot, the Pierres Jaunâtres.

Etienne de Vallée Française, or Val Francesque, as they used to call it; and towards evening began to ascend the hill of St. Pierre. It was a long and steep ascent. Behind me an empty carriage returning to St. Jean du Gard kept hard upon my tracks, and near the summit overtook me.

A chance remark turned their talk upon Balzac, and Owen spoke about Le Lys dans la Vallèe, and she asked him if he remembered the day he had first spoken to her about Balzac. "It was the day you took me to the races, our first week in Paris." "And a few days afterwards I took you to Madame Savelli's. She told you that you had the most beautiful voice she had ever heard.