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Of the latter, I have a good collection, among them a Prince Rupert of which I am proud. I threw myself, a tired man, into an armchair by the fire, and rang the bell for a brandy and soda. Oh, the comfort of the rooms, the comfort of Rogers, the comfort of the familiar backs of the books in the shelves! I felt loth to leave it all and go vagabonding about the cold world on my lunatic adventure.

However, a vagabonding tinker won her heart, and after their marriage she continued to be known as "Mrs. Wimby"; for so complete was the bridegroom's insignificance that it extended to his name, which proved quite unrememberable, and he was usually called "Widder-Woman Wimby's Husband," or, more simply, "Mr. Wimby."

This solitary vagabonding business was a bit sudden after fifteen years of home life. The road lay close to the water and I watched the Sound grow a deeper blue and then a dull purple. I could hear the surf pounding, and on the end of Long Island a far-away lighthouse showed a ruby spark.

He had a wife, a family, a little house paid for with difficulty. He followed the sea respectably out and home, all regular, not vagabonding here and there, chumming with the first nigger that came along and laying traps for his betters. One of the two flare bearers sighed at his elbow, and shifted his weight to the other foot.

"I know it," she sighed. "And yet I'm quite sure I would do it again." "I don't doubt that in the least," he replied gravely, concealing a smile as one would have done from a mischievous child. There was a silence. "The world is very small, isn't it, Mr. Markham?" she asked. "What on earth are you doing here? "I? Oh, vagabonding. It's a habit I have, I'm doing Normandy."

"Look here, you," said Andrew, "I don't know by what infernal arts you cajoled my sister away to go vagabonding in a huckster's wagon, but I know this, that if you've cheated her out of her money I'll have the law on you." I tried to insert a word of protest, but matters had gone too far. The Professor was as mad as Andrew now.

But I would have you consider that, what I bid Beltrame do is in the interest of his Highness, whose territory is infested by these vagabonding robbers. It is a fact that may not have reached you in your convent retreat, no more than has sufficient knowledge reached you yet in your incomparable innocence to distinguish between rogues and honest men. Beltrame, do my bidding."

A writeth with a needle's point; and clear to boot. Why is he not in my counting-house at Amsterdam instead of vagabonding it out yonder!" "When I came to myself I was seated in the litter, and my good merchant holding of my hand. I babbled I know not what, and then shuddered awhile in silence. He put a horn of wine to my lips." Catherine. "Bless him! bless him!" Eli. "Whisht!"

This news amazed the lama, who did not then know how religiously Kim kept to the contract made with Mahbub Ali, and perforce ratified by Colonel Creighton... 'There is no holding the young pony from the game, said the horse-dealer when the Colonel pointed out that vagabonding over India in holiday time was absurd.