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Gratian, Causa, 30, Quaest. 5, c. 6 Friedberg, i, p. 1106: Nullum sine dote fiat coniugium; iuxta possibilitatem fiat dos, nee sine publicis nuptiis quisquam nubere vel uxorem ducere praesumat. Gratian, Causa, 30, Quaest. 5, c. 4 Friedberg, i, p. 1105. Gratian, Causa, 30, Quaest. 5, c. 7 Friedberg, i, p. 1106. Id., c. 1 Friedberg, i, p. 1104. Id., c. 8 Friedberg, i, p. 1107.

"Neque ego tum Moroni probitatem, nec Pharnesiorum splendorem intelligebam." De Vita Propria, ch. iv. p. 15. He dismisses his marriage as follows: "Duxi uxorem inexpectato, a quo tempore multa adversa concomitata sunt." De Vita Propria, ch. xli. p. 149.

Adversus Iovianum, i, 28 Migne, vol. 23, pp. 249-250: Qui enim ducit uxorem, in ambiguo est, utrum odiosam an amabilem ducat. Si odiosam duxerit, ferri non potest. Si amabilem, amor illius inferno et arenti terrae et incendio comparatur. He quotes the Old Testament, especially Pr. 30, 16, to support his views. S. Maximi Episcopi Taurinensis Homilia 53, I Migne, vol. 57, p. 350.

Si uxorem requiris, circumspice! This proposed expedition was a great event in our comparatively quiet circle. The Mistress, who was interested in the school, undertook to be the matron of the party. The young Doctor, who knew the roads better than any of us, was to be our pilot. He arranged it so that he should have the two Annexes under his more immediate charge.

Si uxorem requiris, circumspice! This proposed expedition was a great event in our comparatively quiet circle. The Mistress, who was interested in the school, undertook to be the matron of the party. The young Doctor, who knew the roads better than any of us, was to be our pilot. He arranged it so that he should have the two Annexes under his more immediate charge.

He stopped his horse and began to expound with still greater gravity: "Whoever wishes to marry, or to choose uxorem must ascertain if she is pious, moral, a good housekeeper and cleanly. This is recommended not only by the fathers of the church, but also by a certain pagan sage, called Seneca.

Ostendebatur per modum supplicationis in quodam rotulo pergameni quod filii Regis Edwardi erant bastardi, supponendo ilium precontraxisse cum quadam domina Alienora Boteler, antequam reginam Elizabeth duxisset uxorem; atque insuper, quod sanguis alterius fratris sui, Georgii ducis Clarentiae, fuisset attinctus; ita quod hodie nullus certus & incorruptus sanguis linealis ex parte Richardi ducis Eboraci poterat inveniri, nisi in persona dicti Richardi ducis Glocestriae.

The Council of Trent, eleven centuries later, in its twenty-fourth session, re-echoed this sentiment and anathematised any one who should deny it. Migne, vol. 16, p. 342. Id., II, p. 1074. Tertullian ad uxorem, i, 3. Id. ad uxorem, i, 5. See also Gregory of Nyassa, de Virg., iii, on the evils of matrimony. v. Tertullian, ad uxorem. For Paul of Nolan, see Migne, vol. 61, p. 22.

Plutarch, Roman Questions, 6. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. Athenaeus, x, 56. Valerius Maximus, vi, 3, 9. For this he was not even blamed, but rather received praise for the excellent example. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. A woman in the Menaechmi of Plautus, iv, 6, 1, complains justly of this double standard of morality: Nam si vir scortum duxit clam uxorem suam, Id si rescivit uxor, impune est viro.

'Cleomenes', Act i. sc. George's Church at Doncaster, and ran thus: 'How now, who is heare? I Robin of Doncastere And Margaret my feare. No. 178. Monday, September 24, 1711. Steele. 'Comis in uxorem ... Hor. I cannot defer taking Notice of this Letter. Mr.

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