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A proof of this is preserved in the epilogue of the -Captivi- of Plautus: -Spectators, ad pudicos mores facta haec fabulast. Neque in hoc subigitationes sunt neque ulla amatio Nec pueri suppositio nec argenti circumductio, Neque ubi amans adulescens scortum liberet clam suum patrem. Huius modi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias, Ubi boni meliores fiant.

How much the physician of the Catholic Charles V. had in common with the great religious destructive, may be guessed by the relish with which he tells the story how certain Pavian students exhumed the body of an "elegans scortum," or lovely dame of ill repute, the favorite of a monk of the order of St. Anthony, who does not seem to have resisted temptation so well as the founder of his order.

Xenophon mentions the tale of "Bacchus and Ariadne," Pantomimically played, and Martial tells us he saw the whole story of "Pasiphae," minutely represented on the stage of the Mimis, and Plautus, in his epilogue to "Casina," has "Nunc vos aequim est, manibus meritis, Meritam mercedem dare. Qui faxit, clam uxorem, ducat scortum Semper quod volet.

They were almost invariably prostitutes. Scortum A strumpet. Secrecy is implied, but the word has a broad usage. Scorta erratica | Clandestine strumpets who were street walkers. Secuteleia | Busturiae Tomb frequenters and hangers-on at funerals. Copae Bar maids. Delicatae Kept mistresses. Famosae Soiled doves from respectable families. Doris Harlots of great beauty. They wore no clothing.

"Which sum," insisted the sheriff, "shall be paid in doitkins, suskins, and galihalpens, the only case in which this money is to pass, according to the terms of the statute of abolition, in the third of Henry V., and you will have the right and enjoyment of scortum ante mortem, and then be hanged on the gibbet. Such are the advantages of confession. Does it please you to answer to justice?"

A proof of this is preserved in the epilogue of the -Captivi- of Plautus: -Spectators, ad pudicos mores facta haec fabulast. Neque in hoc subigitationes sunt neque ulla amatio Nec pueri suppositio nec argenti circumductio, Neque ubi amans adulescens scortum liberet clam suum patrem. Huius modi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias, Ubi boni meliores fiant.

How much the physician of the Catholic Charles V. had in common with the great religious destructive, may be guessed by the relish with which he tells the story how certain Pavian students exhumed the body of an "elegans scortum," or lovely dame of ill repute, the favorite of a monk of the order of St. Anthony, who does not seem to have resisted temptation so well as the founder of his order.

Plutarch, Roman Questions, 6. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. Athenaeus, x, 56. Valerius Maximus, vi, 3, 9. For this he was not even blamed, but rather received praise for the excellent example. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. A woman in the Menaechmi of Plautus, iv, 6, 1, complains justly of this double standard of morality: Nam si vir scortum duxit clam uxorem suam, Id si rescivit uxor, impune est viro.

The famous Imperia, called by a Pope in the early years of the sixteenth century "nobilissimum Romæ scortum," knew Latin and could write Italian verse. Other courtesans knew Italian and Latin poetry by heart, while they were accomplished in music, dancing, and speech.

They have all the same directness, which sometimes becomes a splendid simplicity. One note, reproaching him for a supposed infidelity Si tibi cura togae potior pressumque quasillo Scortum quam Servi filia Sulpicia has all the noble pride of Shakespeare's Imogen.

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