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Of a very different type is the piece which comes next the Amphrituo in acknowledged excellence, the Captivi. The development of the plot has won high praise from all critics, and justifies the boast of the epilogue, Huiusmodi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias. But the praise which the author gives to his own piece

A proof of this is preserved in the epilogue of the -Captivi- of Plautus: -Spectators, ad pudicos mores facta haec fabulast. Neque in hoc subigitationes sunt neque ulla amatio Nec pueri suppositio nec argenti circumductio, Neque ubi amans adulescens scortum liberet clam suum patrem. Huius modi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias, Ubi boni meliores fiant.

A proof of this is preserved in the epilogue of the -Captivi- of Plautus: -Spectators, ad pudicos mores facta haec fabulast. Neque in hoc subigitationes sunt neque ulla amatio Nec pueri suppositio nec argenti circumductio, Neque ubi amans adulescens scortum liberet clam suum patrem. Huius modi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias, Ubi boni meliores fiant.

Of those plays which border on the sentimental the best is the Captivi, which the poet himself recommends to the audience on the score of its good moral lesson, adding with truth "Huiusmodi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias Ubi boni meliores fiant." We are told that Plautus took the greatest pleasure in his Pseudolus, which was also the work of his old age.

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