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"I didn't mean to dear," the woman added, painfully. "Don't interfere with me, Rudolph Musgrave! Your mother must be very fond of you, Harry. I had a little boy once. I was fond of him. He would have been eleven years old last February." "Please, ma'am, I wasn't eleven till April, and I ain't tall for my age, but Tubby Parsons says " The woman gave an odd, unhuman sound. "Not until April!"

"I know what you mean. If it hadn't been for you and your confounded theories, you imply that she " "I don't know " Senhouse began. "God only knows what she might have done. She was not of our sort, you know. I always said that she was unhuman." "That's the last thing she was," said Chevenix, neatly. Senhouse scorned him. "You don't know anything about it," he said.

Now the memory of it was enhanced by the roar of the wind and the dismal moaning of the tall pines. Virginia firmly believed that her mother, among other unearthly visitants, walked in the night when the blizzard kept up its incessant beating. She also believed that the sound through the pines that roaring, ever-changing, unhuman sound was not of the wind's making.

Then the voice broke off, because a new sound was coming from the speaker. It was a voice that was unhuman and queerly horrible and somehow machine-like. Hoots and howls and whistles came from the speaker. Wailing sounds. Ghostly noises, devoid of consonants but broadcast on a wave-length close to the G.C. band and therefore produced by intelligence, though unintelligible.

Then as when first we had seen the phenomenon in the valley of the blue poppies, the ring vanished, hidden by a fog of coruscations as though the force streaming through the rings became diffused after it had been caught. Crouching, forgetful of our juxtaposition to these two unhuman, anomalous Things, we watched the play of the tentacles upon the upthrust rods.

Some were munching young sugar-canes, like beasts of burden eating green provender; and some were seen near the water, lying on the bare ground among filth and offal, coiled up like dogs, and seeming to expect or require no more comfort or accommodation, exhibiting a state and conformation so unhuman, that they not only seemed but actually were, far below the inferior animals around them.

"Who is he, then?" "That monsieur will pardon me I'm not yet free to state. Indeed, I may be indiscreet in saying as much as I do. Yet, among friends..." His shrug implied that, as far as he was concerned, waiters were unhuman and the other guests of the establishment non-existent. "But," the American persisted, "perhaps you can tell us how they got on his track?"

Who had wrought her of metals, marbles, and gems? Was it he who had unconsciously created that symbol of insatiable passion, that unhuman presentment of flesh, which had become transformed into gold and diamonds under his fingers, in his vain effort to make it live?

My nature is one of extremes; if I did not encase myself, I should be ramming every man's absurd opinions down his throat, and letting my cursed temper fly at each of the provocations which constantly beset me. I have not the happy gift of compromise; but I am not unhuman, and I like not the prospect of going down to posterity a wooden figurehead upon some emblematic battle-ship.

And just as most of us are certain that the underlying causes of this conflict are "inevitable" and "inherent in unchanging human nature," so are we certain that so unhuman a thing as economics can have no bearing on it.