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It is bad faith with der underwriters. It annuls der insurance. You admit this, Mr. Thompson, do you not?" "That is law," said the attorney, coldly. "Was Mr. Austen a part owner, also?" asked Rowland, ignoring Mr. Meyer's view of the case. "One share, is it not, Mr. Austen?" asked Mr. Meyer, while he rubbed his hands and smiled. Mr.

She was very heavily rigged, with her main mast raking over the tafferel, and full of men. I noticed she had a long gun on a pivot, and several carronades mounted. Presently there was a good deal of whispering amongst the group of half a dozen gentlemen who were with me in the lookout, who, from their conversation, I soon found were underwriters on the schooner outside.

Captain Mitchell, helpless as a swathed infant, looked anxiously at the sixty-guinea gold half-chronometer, presented to him years ago by a Committee of Underwriters for saving a ship from total loss by fire. Sotillo, too, seemed to perceive its valuable appearance. He became silent suddenly, stepped aside to the table, and began a careful examination in the light of the candles.

"And as for the right or wrong of the position I am in why, we must go farther back for it than the question of lookouts. The cause of the wreck was full speed in a fog. All hands on lookout could not have seen that berg. The underwriters knew the speed and took the risk. Let them pay." "Right and I'm with you on it. But you must get out of the country.

This nice little sum was, however, only the first instalment of what was to come; there was the salvage of the ship to follow: and over and above that I may mention that the underwriters voted a sum of five hundred guineas to us; while the Patriotic Fund Committee awarded the skipper a sword of the value of one hundred guineas, and to me a sword of half that value, for our fight with and capture of the two privateers, poor Lovell being left out in the cold in consequence of his having been prize-master of the Hoogly, and having therefore taken no part in either of the engagements.

"Have a care what you're about. You are here to sell for the underwriters, let me tell you not to act for Mr. Douglas Longhurst. This sale has been already disgracefully interrupted to allow that person to hold a consultation with his minions. It has been much commented on." "There was no complaint at the time," said the auctioneer, manifestly discountenanced.

'Well, Captain Cuttle, said Mr Carker, taking up his usual position before the fireplace, and keeping on his hat, 'this is a bad business. 'You have received the news as was in print yesterday, Sir? said the Captain. 'Yes, said Mr Carker, 'we have received it! It was accurately stated. The underwriters suffer a considerable loss. We are very sorry. No help! Such is life!

When made out and interpreted, it comes to this: the proprietor, the waiter, chambermaid, and boots are independent parties, who get up a night's lodging and two or three meals for you on the same footing as four independent underwriters would take proportionate risks at Lloyd's in some ship at sea.

"Then you think ?" "Who else could it be but O'Connor? And these German underwriters are perfect babes in the wood they're just idiotic enough to cancel a profitable contract merely to take on an experimental one with a bigger premium income in its place. Now, nobody outside the office knew the conditions of our contract with the Karlsruhe except O'Connor. No, there's no question about it.

The first move was to evade the spirit of his own written compact: "Until May 3rd, I fix up nothing with the underwriters." To get round this obstacle, he decided on the audacious plan of underwriting the entire issue himself.