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The men rushed through the thicket, where the underwood almost impeded their progress; but the beast's weight and strength carried him along so fast, that he soon came up with them. A steep bluff was situated a hundred yards off, with a level plain of grass between it and the thicket; the hunters flew across the latter with the utmost speed, the bear after them.

How difficult an enterprise this was, you, Sir, are well aware, who know how thickly the banks of the rivers are beset with trees, underwood, herbage and lianas, and that it is often necessary to cut one's way. They returned to their hut, took what provisions they had left behind, and began their journey.

In reply the girl dived into the underwood beside the trail, picked a wild berry or two, stripped a wand of young hazel she had broken off, and switching it at her side, skipped along on the outskirts of the wood and ambled after the wagon.

He commanded a definding force operating along the Thames and opposing an invading army that was advancing from Guildford. Did iver ye hear such infernal nonsense in your life? And there's Stares, and Knight, and Underwood, and a dozen more I could mintion, that have volunteered for everything since the Sikh war of '46, all neglicted, sir neglicted!

The leaves of the trees and underwood, afford ample and wholesome food for many animals, and the fern-tree, which is very plentiful, is very good food for hogs. Are those who are with you satisfied, or do they wish to be relieved? Ans. Every one is satisfied, and no person wishes to be relieved. What weather have you in general? Ans.

'You know yourself, Wilmet, it is quite true; if any of the girls see us, we shall be labelled "The Groceries." 'Get inside far enough, and they will not see you. 'Ay, but there'll be that disgusting little Bobbie and Lance sitting in the front, making no end of row, said Edgar; 'and the whole place will know that Mr. Underwood and his family are going out for a spree in old Harper's van! Pah!

Sometimes, when the underwood thins out and meadows appear between the branches, one catches sight of a boat sailing up the river. Our guide preceded us at quite a distance. Alone together we trod the good old earth, flecked with bunches of purple heather and fallen leaves. The air was perfumed with the breath of violets and strawberries; slender ferns spread over the trunks of the trees.

Hers is a young merchant just taken into the great Underwood firm. Bernard Underwood, a very nice fellow, brother to the husband of one of Harry May's sisters -very much liked and respected, and, by the way, an uncommonly handsome man. That was imminent before Jasper's accident, and the letter to prepare me must be reposing in Harry's care. Mr.

Underwood, and would have been heavier still, but that the new comer, Charles Audley, had attached himself warmly to him.

Underwood where they should be stowed away. 'I wish he was smothered in them, the malicious brute! said Lance, grinding his teeth, when Felix had given a summary answer. 'What a blessing to see the ugly back of him on the 1st of November! 'I'm not so sure of that, said Felix, as he sorted the letters of the Sunday post. 'Do you think he can. do us any harm?