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And, leaving it here, covered with branches of the thick-topped fern-tree, they took provisions and once more set out on their exploration. But this time they had an ax and their two rifles, and as they strode northward along the shore they felt a match for any peril. An hour's walk brought them to the ruins of a steel recreation-pier, with numerous traces of a town along the lake behind it.

In this forest, mingled with tall columnar trees of various species, are seen frequent examples of the fern-tree thirty feet in height, and of surpassing beauty, spreading out their plumed summits like Egyptian palms, while the stems have the graceful inclination of the cocoanut-tree.

He thrust the stalk of the fern-tree branch far down into the sand, bending it so that the thick leaves shaded her. He ate plentifully of the fruit and left much for her. Then he knelt and kissed her forehead lightly, and with a smile upon his lips set off along the beach. A rocky point that rose boldly against the morning, a quarter-mile to southward, was his objective.

Here, or yonder, some brighter flare showed where the fire had run at one clear leap right to the fronded top of a fern-tree. Fire-brands and dry-kye, caught up by the swirl, spiralled through the thick air and fell far in advance of the main fire-army, each outpost colonizing into swift destruction.

On account of its beautiful mountain scenery, Tasmania is called the Switzerland of Australia. Deep winding valleys, clothed with groves of ferns, give added charm to its scenery. In recent years it has become a famous summer resort for Australians, many of whom pass a portion of the hot season in its wonderful forest solitudes and secluded fern-tree vales.

So I waited, an' the day I was twenty-one me two sisters was twins and married, one at nineteen and the other at eighteen I gathered up a few things, and I had two hundred in the bank, and I went to a point of the road, Fern-tree Gully it was named, an' w'en Jim come down the hill with his horses I waved we had it all made up an' he stopped till I clambered aboard, an' the box seat was reserved for me that day for nothink, and at the end of the stage we was married.

In these hollows one may hope to find feed for the camels, for here may grow a few quondongs, acacia, and fern-tree shrubs, and in rare cases some herbage. The beefwood tree, the leaves of which camels, when hard pressed, will eat, alone commands the summit of the undulations.

On her right stood a Grecian pillar with a giant fern-tree on either side of it, and in the background towered a gaunt mountain, pale with snow. "It is a nice style, isn't it?" shouted Mrs. Stubbs; and Alice had just screamed "Sweetly" when the roaring of the Primus stove died down, fizzled out, ceased, and she said "Pretty" in a silence that was frightening.

The bamboo and fern-tree are, of all the vegetable forms between the tropics, those which make the most powerful impression on the imagination of the traveller. Bamboos are less common in South America than is usually believed.

He proved obstinate, however, and refused to die, so a man sat down on the ground, put his thumbs on the victim's throat, and choked him to death. This was a head-dance, the taken head being simulated by a ball of fern-tree pith stuck on a spear fixed in the ground. But these formal dances were not the only ones. Everybody danced, even Cootes and I again; but it was our last time.