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He proved obstinate, however, and refused to die, so a man sat down on the ground, put his thumbs on the victim's throat, and choked him to death. This was a head-dance, the taken head being simulated by a ball of fern-tree pith stuck on a spear fixed in the ground. But these formal dances were not the only ones. Everybody danced, even Cootes and I again; but it was our last time.

The spirits of Dadaya notice that their feather headdresses have lost their lustre. They place them on the house of some mortals, who at once become ill. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs them to make the Pala-an ceremony. They obey, the feathers regain their brightness and the people recover. The father who is starting for a head-dance agrees to meet his wife and baby at sun down.

I had never imagined that it was possible for human beings to advance as slowly as did these warriors; in respect of speed, our most dignified funerals would suffer by comparison. The truth is, they were dancing. They got up the hill at last, however; laid the pig down in the middle of the vast circle that had instantly formed, and then began the ceremonious head-dance.

The spirits of Dadaya notice that their feather headdresses have lost their lustre. They place them on the house of some mortals, who at once become ill. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs them to make the Pala-an ceremony. They obey, the feathers regain their brightness and the people recover. The father who is starting for a head-dance agrees to meet his wife and baby at sun down.