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The spirits of Dadaya notice that their feather headdresses have lost their lustre. They place them on the house of some mortals, who at once become ill. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs them to make the Pala-an ceremony. They obey, the feathers regain their brightness and the people recover. The father who is starting for a head-dance agrees to meet his wife and baby at sun down.

The spirits of Dadaya notice that their feather headdresses have lost their lustre. They place them on the house of some mortals, who at once become ill. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs them to make the Pala-an ceremony. They obey, the feathers regain their brightness and the people recover. The father who is starting for a head-dance agrees to meet his wife and baby at sun down.

The betel-nut and leaf are placed on the animal, then the medium dips her fingers in the oil, and strokes its side while she recites the following diam: "The spirit who lives in Dadaya lies in bed; he looks at his igam, and they are dull. He looks again, 'Why are my igam dull? Kaboniyan looked down on them.

In the Pala-an diam she relates, in story form, the cause of the sickness, but in this case ends with a direct invocation to the spirits in Dadáya to "make them well again if you please". The balance of the diams, 35-40, are in story form, and seem intended more as an explanation to the people as to the causes of their troubles than to be directed toward the spirits.

Likewise, when she offers food in the Dawak ceremony, she relates how the spirit Kaboniyan taught the Tinguian to do this in the same manner that he performs it. In the Pala-an diam she relates, in story form, the cause of the sickness, but in this case ends with a direct invocation to the spirits in Dadaya to "make them well again if you please."

After that when there is the person they go to cure who is sick, they always prepare correctly because it was Kaboniyan who told them to do always like that. When some one is ill whom they go to cure, they prepare correctly. The spirit who lives in Dadaya lies in bed; he looks at his igam and they are dull. He looks again, "Why are my igam dull?

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