United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We heard a pattering up a side street, and here came General Mary Esperanza Dingo on a white horse with a couple of hundred brown boys following him in red undershirts and bare feet, dragging guns ten feet long. Jones and me had forgot all about General Mary and his promise to help us celebrate.

Eighteen thick-necked negroes in undershirts and trousers gazed up white-eyed from a suspended card game at the long camp table. But we had no time for explanations. "Name?" I shouted at the coal-hued Hercules nearest at hand. "David Providence," he bleated in trembling voice, and the great Zone questionnaire was on.

Maurice Oakley had been as sound as a dollar, and no one of the family had had any tendency to heart affection." "It is strange." "Strange it is, but I have my theory." "His actions are like those of a man guarding a secret." "Sh! His negro laundress says that there is an inside pocket in his undershirts." "An inside pocket?" "Yes." "And for what?" Skaggs was trembling with eagerness.

However, the widower sheltered himself in the silence demanded of him until the children were lifted out of the tub and dried by their patient father. Nor did he even attempt to further interfere while their parent struggled them into their little woolen undershirts. It was with a sigh of relief that Scipio now turned to Wild Bill. Somehow, he naturally looked to him for guidance.

They saw the engines working, and peered down into the stoke hole which was very hot and where the firemen worked in their undershirts and trousers and a great clanging of shovels and furnace doors was going on. "I guess the steampipes always hum on this boat," remarked Laddie. "It is not like it was at Aunt Jo's before that Sam boy came to make the furnace go."

"Just takin' a ramble through the works," says I. "Don't bother. We'll find our way." Some busy little scene it is, too, with all them lathes and things goin', belts whirrin' overhead, and workmen in undershirts about as thick as they could be placed. I towed Cecil in and out of rooms, up and down stairs, until he must have been dizzy, and ends by leadin' him into the yard.

He chose the right time of the tide for starting, and just in the greyness of the evening when the sun is gone down, and the sea somehow looks wetter than at any other time, we put on our thick undershirts, and then our thickest suits and football jerseys over everything, because we had been told it would be very cold.

However enlivening a Pullman smoking-compartment was by night, even to Babbitt it was depressing in the morning, when it was jammed with fat men in woolen undershirts, every hook filled with wrinkled cottony shirts, the leather seat piled with dingy toilet-kits, and the air nauseating with the smell of soap and toothpaste.

The mothers were busy unwinding shawls and mufflers late from their little ones, drawing off their slips, and unloosing the bands of their undershirts, so that the upper portion of their little bodies could be easily exposed when the sexton called them up to the operating table. It was remarkably quiet in the room, considering there were so many little cry-babies all gathered in one place.

The big man's lips were cut, while back of one ear a knot had sprung up over night like a fungus. They fell to work quickly, stripping themselves to their undershirts; they manned the hoists, seized trucks and bale-hooks, and began their tasks with a thoroughly non-union energy.