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Not all of them together can keep him back. "And now I see the garden of the castle. It is full of big, gay-colored, gorgeous flowers. They trail along the ground, they cluster upon the terraces, they climb upon the walls of the castle and of the garden, and they clutch at the ramparts and twine and twist about them.

I buckled into him, and kick, bite, scratch, gouge, pull hair, twist noses, and strike from the shoulder were the order of the day. I felt all-confident and sailed in for all I was worth, and finished him in less than three minutes, to the evident satisfaction of Mr. Keefer, whom, when the fight was waxing hot, I espied standing on the dunghill with a broad smile taking in the combat.

His goods are twined about a pole with a cross piece for a perch, but the snake's tail has a loving twist around the owner's neck. What for? well, the python has a sweet tooth for rats and mice and the sweet tooth of this particular snake is on edge for a square meal. Years ago foreign ships brought rats from various countries.

Again the twist of her pretty, pouting lips, blood-red and tempting. Her José! For just a minute the face of Teresita showed vague to him before his wrathful eyes. "When you tell your beads again, Señorita," he advised her crisply, "say a prayer or two for your José also.

"I shouldn't think she'd got as much of it before her as you," said Mr. Twist, "because she's considerably more grown up I mean," he added hastily, as Anna-Rose's mouth opened, "she's less well, less completely young." "We're not completely young," said Anna-Rose with dignity. "People are completely young the day they're born, and ever after that they spend their time becoming less so." "Exactly.

There's men enough round here to stop it, I tell ye!" and he loosened her fingers from the lifting-strap. "I can hist the two of ye, John! Go along wid ye!" "No, Kitty, darlin' let go of it," and with a twist of his hand and lurch of his shoulder John shot the trunk over the edge of the wagon, tossed the bag after it, and joined the group, the stranger absorbed in watching the husband and wife.

Presently Rick felt Scotty's fingers and moved his own, seeking the ropes around his pal's wrists. He probed, trying to find the key to the knots. Finally, his right forefinger touched a free end, and he followed it into a twist of rope. His first two fingers could just reach the twist, and he set to work on it, moving the rope back and forth, trying to pull on it. Suddenly it gave.

Gid and Harry finished a painstaking examination of the men's ragged jeans vests, with a look of disappointment at finding nothing more inculpating that some fishhooks, chunks of twist tobacco and cob-pipes. "They must have 'em in their boots, boys. Pull 'em off," said Harry. "There's where spies usually carry their most important papers."

Imagine a hammer, one end of which had been beaten out into a longish tapering spike, with a handle something longer than usual. He drew stealthily to the window, and seemed to examine this hurriedly, and tested its strength with a twist or two of his hand. And then he adjusted it very carefully in his grasp, and made two or three little experimental picks with it in the air.

Fairly worn out with this state of things, I was thinking seriously of leaving for the gay swamps of Holland, when a crisis occurred in the banker's disorder, and after a severe struggle, in which every bone of his body seemed to twist itself round, he was declared by his pallid doctor out of danger saved.