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Trimble laughed heartily, and shook the reins three or four times by way of emphasis. "There's no gitting round you," she said, much pleased. "I should think Deacon Bray would want to rise, any way, if 't was so he could, an' knew how his poor girls was farin'. A man ought to provide for his folks he's got to leave behind him, specially if they're women.

"How's her head, quartermaster?" he demanded. The quartermaster glanced into the compass-bowl and answered, "No'-no'th-east, sir!" "Excellent!" exclaimed the skipper. "Why, at that rate, Mr Trimble, we shall pass outside Ushant, if we keep on as we are going now." "No doubt, sir," answered the master.

"Every time I see a bunch of rubes," he said at last, "it puts me in mind of Butsy Trimble 'n' the new stalls at Lake Minnehaha Park." "Lake Minnehaha Park," I repeated. "I never heard of such a place." "It's up at Mount Clinton," Blister explained. "It's Ohio's beauty spot." "Get out!" I scoffed. "Fact!" said Blister. "It says so right over the gates." "Tell me about it," I demanded.

In November I had a good meeting at Beech Grove, a country church in Trimble county, eight miles from Mt. Byrd. In December I was again at Dover. We had another excellent meeting, but there was not material for so many converts as at first. This visit was mainly for the membership, to rid the church of some dead material, and put it into good working order.

"Pray, whose carriage is that." asked the stranger, fastening his eyes, with a look of intense scrutiny, upon Fenton's face. "That, sir," he replied, "is the carriage of Sir Thomas Gourlay." As he spoke, the door of it was opened, and a lady of surpassing elegance and beauty stepped out of it, and entered the shop of the benevolent James Trimble.

"He's gone and murdered all us men, as sure as blazes." Joe Hawkridge held his peace and wondered what had become of his partner, Jack Cockrell, waiting alone in the pirogue. In the infernal commotion at the camp, Joe had failed to note whether Bill Saxby and Trimble Rogers had betaken themselves off or had been among those killed.

Trimble in the operating room examining a wounded man who had just been brought in. The fellow had been shot in the abdomen with a 45-caliber lead ball that had gone entirely through him, emerging about three inches to the right of his spine. From the doctor we got the first real news of the puzzling situation.

"Well," sez I, "I don't know as I feel so very intimate with her, I never see the dog, but her idees on wimmen's rights is sensible, I've read about 'em." And that kinder headed Josiah off onto a new tact; we had had a dretful good supper, and I believe Miss Trimble had made a sight on him, I believe she had flattered and pompeyed him and for the time bein' he felt soft in sperit towards the sex.

"I came to see if you have that boy I'm taking care of Tom Vine," said Mr. Brown. "Did you take him away?" "No, I did not," said Mr. Trimble, crossly. "Do you know where he is?" "No, I don't." "Have you seen him at all?" asked Bunny's father. "Yesterday he went to the spring for a pail of water, but he did not come back. We are afraid something has happened to him.

Blackbeard had halted his onrush and he wavered when he beheld stout Bill Saxby within a few strides of him and long Trimble Rogers galloping through the grass with his musket. Another pistol shot or two would not stop these three antagonists and a buffet from one of those hewn paddles would dash out a man's brains.