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Morgan said, with parental kindness, and then asked of his own bosom with a sigh, why the deuce does my governor want Master Arthur to marry such a girl as this? and the tete-a-tete of the two gentlemen was broken up by the entry of other gentlemen, members of the club when fashionable town-talk, politics, cribbage, and other amusements ensued, and the conversation became general.

Orazio started up. "Prince Ruspoli, do you call me a liar?" "I beg your pardon," replied Ruspoli, quite unmoved, making Orazio a mock bow. "Did you say whom Count Nobili would marry? If you did, will you favor me by repeating it?" "I only report town-talk," Franchi answered, sullenly. "I am not answerable for town-talk." Ruspoli was a dead-shot; Orazio only fought with swords.

My daughter and the baron will soon be the town-talk my house lose its character the president will get wind of it, and the short and long of the matter is, I'll show the younker the door. MRS MILLER. You did not entice him to your house did not thrust your daughter upon him! MILLER. Didn't entice him to my house didn't thrust the girl upon him! Who'll believe me? I was master of my own house.

I remembered the two trunks across the hall and hugged my knees up under by chin with pleasure at the thought of the town-talk they contained.

Strange appearances and stranger noises after a time were heard about the cave that is said to be in the top of the hill of Atlizco, and sometimes a ghost had been seen wandering about the hill by certain benighted villagers; and one time, when the accusing monk was returning rather later than usual from a drunken revel, this ghost who had now become the town-talk, chanced to fall in with him, and to give him such a beating as few living men could inflict, and then disappeared.

This done Sir W. Batten and I back again to London, and in the way met my Lady Newcastle going with her coaches and footmen all in velvet: herself, whom I never saw before, as I have heard her often described, for all the town-talk is now-a-days of her extravagancies, with her velvetcap, her hair about her ears; many black patches, because of pimples about her mouth; naked-necked, without any thing about it, and a black just-au-corps.

Was there no horse for me? I became town-talk as "a drefful fussy old maid who didn't know her own mind, and couldn't be suited <i>no</i> way." I remember one horse brought by a butcher from West Bungtown. It was, in the vernacular, a buck-skin. Hide-bound, with ribs so prominent they suggested a wash-board.

"I have never lost sight of the young man; he is not quite so bad as the town-talk makes him out; he may still become a respectable man. If we see an improvement in him, and you feel yourself inclined in his favour, perhaps your daughter may sooner or later think well of him too, possibly she may please him.

There these ministers and magistrates will hear him entertain the worthy aldermen with an instructing and pleasing narrative of the manner in which he made the rich citizens of Bordeaux squeak, and gently led them by the public credit of the guillotine to disgorge their anti-revolutionary pelf. All this will be the display, and the town-talk, when our regicide is on a visit of ceremony.

"Pfannenstiel has for a long time been my agent, and for a considerable stipend, paid every month, informs me of all that happens, is talked and thought of in the town. He is a very useful man, peculiarly suited to this service." "The approach of the Russians is then town-talk, and nothing more?" asked Kretschmer, who was still anxious to throw doubt on the bad news.