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Poor George is not quite up to her form, but he's better than most of them. Doesn't she look lovely this evening?" Lady Maiden raised her glasses to her eyes by the aid of a tortoise-shell handle. "Yes, but she's one of those women you never can look at without seeing that she has a a body. She's too-too d'you see what I mean? It's almost almost like a Frenchwoman!" Mrs.

Then they placed themselves shoulder to shoulder, and as soon as the tarantara and too-too of the trumpets was heard, off they darted, running at such a rate that their heels touched their shoulders, and in truth they seemed just like hares with the grey-hounds after them, horses broken loose from the stable, or dogs with kettles tied to their tails.

She is quite a thing to dream of; and she is much too preciously utter, and quite too awfully too-too!" "That's obsolete now," says Dulce, "quite out of the market altogether. Too-too has been superseded, you should tell Portia she is very-very!" "Odious," says Roger, in a careful aside as though determined to think Miss Blount's speech unfinished.

Be within and keep within, & all that are within & keep within shall you see know & communicate with to the full, & shall not need to strain your outward senses to see & hear that which is like themselves uncertain & too-too often false, but, abiding forever within, in the centre of Truth, from thence you may behold & understand the innumerable divers emanations within the circumference, & still within; for without are falsities, lies, untruths, dogs &c."

But nowhere in the whole boat could they find a key to fit that lock. So they all came back to the door, and Jip peered through the key-hole. But something had been stood against the wall on the inside and he could see nothing. While they were standing around, wondering what they should do, the owl, Too-Too, suddenly said, "Sh! Listen! I do believe there's some one in there!"

They all kept still a moment. Then the Doctor said, "You must be mistaken, Too-Too. I don't hear anything." "I'm sure of it," said the owl. "Sh! There it is again Don't you hear that?" "No, I do not," said the Doctor. "What kind of a sound is it?" "I hear the noise of some one putting his hand in his pocket," said the owl. "But that makes hardly any sound at all," said the Doctor.

When Fanny Stevenson went a-sailing in the South Seas, following in the track of the great explorer, she boldly claimed this kinship, and, much to her delight, was immediately christened Tappeni Too-too, which was as near as the natives could come to Captain Cook's name.

Can't blame her for getting scared! I wonder who he'll go and kiss this time. Silly business!" Then the pushmi-pullyu, the white mouse, Gub-Gub, Dab-Dab, Jip and the owl, Too-Too, went on to the ship with the Doctor. But Chee-Chee, Polynesia and the crocodile stayed behind, because Africa was their proper home, the land where they were born.

But soon the animals themselves began to get worried. And one evening when the Doctor was asleep in his chair before the kitchen-fire they began talking it over among themselves in whispers. And the owl, Too-Too, who was good at arithmetic, figured it out that there was only money enough left to last another week if they each had one meal a day and no more.

Wetmore were to criticise that picture he'd draw a circle round it in the air, and look at it through that, and tilt his head first on one side and then on the other, and then look at you, as if you were a figure in it, and then collapse awhile, and moan a little and gasp, 'Isn't your young lady a little too-too and then he'd try to get the word out of you, and groan and suffer some more; and you'd say, 'She is, rather, and that would give him courage, and he'd say, 'I don't mean that she's so very 'Of course not. 'You understand? 'Perfectly.