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They just tuck hold of each other's hands like " "That ain't nothin'," Homer Tibbs broke in. "You'd ort to've saw old Miz Hathaway, that widder woman next door to us, when she heard it. He had helped her to git her pension; and she tuck on worse 'n' anything I ever hear lot worse 'n' when Hathaway died."

Ross Worthington ought to've been ashamed of himself to set by and allow it!" She shut her mouth very grimly. "I'll see to it that she doesn't go there soon again!" "But he's her father, Sister," interposed Miss Asenath softly; "you must remember that." "He's her father, 'Senath, and I can't dispute it. But he's an awful unnatural one, the way I look at things!

"She was all out, Mike, beat; what was the use of driving her to death when she hadn't the ghost of a chance?" "You're a little too hard on Redpath," remonstrated Allis; "he's just been telling me that he didn't wish to punish the mare unnecessarily." "His business was to win if he could, Miss," answered Mike, not at all won over. "It was a big stake, an' he ought to've put up a big finish.

They exchanged glances, yet she continued in coaxing vein: "You're such a big baby to've been such a big soldier! Don't you know that romance is always just over the hill, hand in hand with adventure both lonely for someone to play with? Wars can't kill them! It's after wars, when a nation is wounded, that they become priceless!" "By George, that's right," Dad cried.

"Fetch him along, yes or no, for it may be growing worse than dangerous right here, after so much shooting." "You mean for us to " "Take the fellow along, and keep him with us, until uncle Phaeton comes back to finally decide upon his case," promptly explained Waldo. "Of course we ought to've let him die; ought, but didn't! We couldn't then, wouldn't now, if it was all to do over.

"And you heard my heart admitting that it's happy to've found something it was hungry for." For the briefest instant I thought a tremor ran through her shoulder, as if a little chilly sensation had rippled her nerves. But it was a silly idea, because she lightly replied: "Corn cakes, maybe. It ought to feel quite stuffed after the seven you had for dinner." "Six," I corrected.

"Same as when I got seein' after the Injuns when I ought to've stayed right here an' seen you didn't go sneakin' off by y'self down by the river," he added slyly, with one of his rare smiles. The girl laughed and clapped her hands. "Oh, Seth!" she cried, as she moved out to return to the house, "then you're a regular 'hobo. What a joke!" And she ran off, leaving the man mystified.

That's what they ought to've done! Yes, and long ago!" Adams laughed, but sighed with more heartiness than he had laughed. "They call me their 'oldest stand-by' down there." He laughed again, apologetically, as if to excuse himself for taking a little pride in this title.

I can't think what we was about, Jonathan, puttin' that girl in the school. We'd ought to've knowed she wahn't fit." "What's the matter with her?" inquired Mr. Hill. "Matter with her!" exclaimed his fellow-committeeman, "she lives with Jethro Bass she's his ward." "Well, what of it?" said Mr.

I can't think what we was about, Jonathan, puttin' that girl in the school. We'd ought to've knowed she wahn't fit." "What's the matter with her?" inquired Mr. Hill. "Matter with her!" exclaimed his fellow-committeeman, "she lives with Jethro Bass she's his ward." "Well, what of it?" said Mr.