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"If you don't mind," said Plank, "I should like to have some tea that is, if " "Tea, Gumble, for two. We'll tipple in company, Mr. Plank," he added. "And the cigars are at your elbow, Billy," with another smile at Fleetwood. "Now," said the latter, after he had lighted his cigar, "what is the matter, Stephen?" Siward glanced at his stiffly extended foot. "Nothing much."

All these washed down with Szamorodni or a Hungarian Riesling, the despair of a hundred generations of connoisseurs due to its inability to travel. When liqueurs were called for, barack, the highly distilled apricot brandy which was still the national tipple, was her choice, if not Tokay Aszú, the sweet nectar wine, once allowed only to be consumed by nobility so precious was it considered.

The fact that this young woman had never moistened the selvedge edge of her soul with a less plebeian tipple than champagne, had a marked and subduing effect on Harris. He believed she belonged to the royal family. But I had my doubts.

"I like to pump it up cold," he used to say, "cold and cold, ye know, till there's a mist on the outside of the glass like the bloom on a plum, and then, by Goad, ye have the fine drinking! Oh no ye needn't tell me, I wouldn't lip drink if the water wasna ice-cold." He never varied from the tipple he approved.

"This is mighty fine tipple," he said. "Waiter, give me another tumbler of champagne. In my chequered career I don't often run up against this class of lotion. The worst of it is, it makes one talk too fast, and seeing that I have got to run the gauntlet with the next little parcel of sparklers " "Fool!" Fenwick burst out. His face was livid with rage, his eyes were shot with passionate anger.

All I meant to say was, that champagne is very pretty tipple; and so thought the dinner party, who were proportionally enlivened. "Is this orthodox, Mr Ferguson?" inquired the colonel, holding up his glass. "So far orthodox, that it is very good; and what is orthodox is good," replied the divine, with good-humour.

It's wonderful what a thirst your critic has given me!" Amidst the blinding glare of the lamps and the perfume of the flowers and wines, one almost stifled in the room. And Silviane was seized with an irresistible desire for a spree, a desire to tipple and amuse herself in some vulgar fashion, as in her bygone days.

Another excellent tipple for warm weather is concocted by mixing brown-stout or bitter ale with ginger-beer, the foam of which stirs up the heavier liquor from its depths, forming a compound of singular vivacity and sufficient body.

I have no grounds whatever for such a feeling." King Humbert, according to an American Register correspondent, is known for his temperance in all things except that of smoking. It has often been noticed what an exceedingly small eater the King had shown himself on all occasions, and as to drink, his guests may have it in plenty, but his favorite "tipple" is water.

Mole one day surprised him at a sly tipple in the grounds of the villa, and he knew it to his sorrow. Suddenly popping round the corner, Chloe emptied the contents of a pail over his luckless head. "Thar, you teetottler! you banderhoper, you good templar! Take a leetle tiddy drop of water with your rum; makes lubly grog well mixed, yah, yah!"