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Parallel Customs between The East and The Sahara. The mercenary Blood-letter. Indifference to the sufferings of the Arab Troops. Colour of the people in Paradise. Excellent Government of the Fullanee Nations. Moors do not fondle their Children. Administering Physic to Camels. Simplicity of Touarick manners. Knocked down by a Pinch of Snuff. Departure of the Tibboo alone to Ghat.

Various Terms employed for denoting Garden. French Woman in The Desert. Price of Slaves. Time required to go round the World. Stature of the Touaricks. Oases of Derge. Reconquest of the World by the Mahometans. Tibboo Slave-dealer. Touatee Silversmith and Blacksmith. Assassination of Major Laing. Tibboos compared to Bornouese. The Touarick Bandit again. First Encounter with the Giant Touarick.

People of the better class, or, more properly, those who can afford to procure slaves to work for them, are, on the contrary, very idle and lethargic; they do nothing but lounge or loll about, inquiring what their neighbours have had for dinner, gossip about slaves, dates, &c., or boast of some cunning cheat, which they have practised on a Tibboo or Tuarick, who, though very knowing fellows, are, comparatively with the Fezzaners, fair in their dealings.

The boundaries of Ghat and Fezzan are determined by two conspicuous objects, first, by a chain of mountains running north-east and south-west, joining the oases of Fezzan on the north, and extending to the Tibboo towns on the south, the eastern side of all which chain is claimed by the masters of Fezzan, the western by the Touaricks of Ghat; and secondly the forests of tholh trees, which are now appearing in our north, affording abundant wood to the people of the caravan, and browsing for the camels.

Drop that language; don't fancy, because the Tibboo is black, you can sell him. Drop that language, for all are black there." 7th.

His Excellency replied, menacingly, "You're right, but take care you don't get unwell, for by G d if you do get unwell, and so make my Sultan unwell, I'll come and cut all your people's throats, and burn down your city." The Tibboo chief, feeling the force of the argumentum ad hominem, started out of the audience-chamber in a fright, and made off from Mourzuk as quick as possible.

"Yes!" say the free republicans of America, who, for being taxed for half an ounce of tea, proclaimed their freedom and independence of the tyranny of the parent country, in words which, continuing as they are, slave-holders, must condemn them to everlasting infamy . But, as God lives, he will have a day of reckoning; he will avenge the wrongs of Africa! . . . . . Be sure, beware America! . . . . . Whilst walking through the streets to-day, in a bad humour on this subject, there were three Bornou youths, nearly naked, offered for sale, I think they belonged to the Tibboo.

It is a notorious fact, that when the salt caravans go from Aheer to Bilma, the whole villages are cleared of the men, the Tibboo men escaping to the neighbouring mountains with provisions for a month. In the meanwhile, the Tibboo women and the strangers are left to themselves. The women transact all the trade of salt, and manage alone their household affairs.

His Excellency the Rais is as great a dervish as any mad fellow here, and though suffering greatly from headache and bad eyes, he endured this tomfoolery for nearly a couple of hours. My taleb, a shrewd man, said to me, "Don't you see, I told you this Algerian was an impostor?" I believe really he is a French spy on the movements of the Turks, and perhaps myself. The Tibboo calls.

He has been of great use to me, and I shall remember him with pleasure. I had to-day a conversation with a Tibboo of Tibesty. How interesting it is to talk with the natives of those untrodden countries, to which chance may some day lead us! He says Tibesty is ten days from Gatroun, and fourteen from Mourzuk. It is all mountainous, except one long wady where the population is located.