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Well, I don't think it's 'zactly right to make a piece of wood look so like a human critter." The child good-naturedly put the doll into the woman's hands, who, happening to take it rather roughly, the wooden baby gave a loud squall; the woman's face expressed the utmost horror, and she dropped it on the floor as if it had been a hot coal. "Gracious, goodness me, the thing's alive!"

I wouldn't be surprised to find almost anything or nothing as we get near to the end of our hunt." "But he must be on the island," Bud reasoned. "And he must have a wireless set, or he couldn't have sent the messages we got. That much is certain." "Not all of it," Hal objected. "Why?" Bud demanded. "Maybe he isn't on an island." "You mean, maybe the whole thing's a fake eh?" "Maybe."

Me 'n' Tom had been up fully three hours knockin' about the streets tryin' to kill the best part o' the day before that shebang opened up for business, an' then somebody said they shet up at three o'clock an' went home to take a nap or whiz about in their automobiles. The whole thing's bothered me a sight, for I do like to understand things.

"You can't," said the Major. "If you attempt to get the town band to play 'God Save the King' " "I don't think you can really," said Gregg. "I know you have a lot of influence with these fellows, but that blackguard Gallagher would get their backs up and " "There'll be a riot," said the Major. "There'll be no riot whatever," said Dr. O'Grady, "if the thing's managed properly."

I thought my first business was to take care of my neighbour, and I did it, and that's what came of it!" "And you believe in a God that would let that come to you for doing what was good?" said Richard, with an indignation that exploded in all directions. "Stop! stop! the thing's not over yet! The world is not done with yet!

"Two unprotected girls in the midst of war and carnage, surrounded by foreigners, inspired to noble sacrifice through ignorance and inexperience, and hardly old enough to travel alone from Hoboken to Brooklyn! Why, the thing's absurd," he said. "Quite impractical," added Ajo, nodding wisely. "You're both too pretty, my dears, to undertake such an adventure.

And all through the day, in the dust and the lint, the thunder and rumble of the Steam Thing's war, Shiloh saw white and blue and mottled eggs, in tiny baskets, with homes up in the trees where the winds rocked the cradles when the little birds came; and young as she was, into her head there crept a thought that something was wrong in man's management of things when little birds were free and little children must work.

My dear fellow, I don't know what you call discouraging!" Gravener cried. "Well I thought I was, and I thought she thought I was." "I believe she did, but such a thing's measured by the effect. She's not 'discouraged," he said. "That's her own affair. The reason I asked you to see me was that it appeared to me I ought to tell you frankly that decidedly! I can't undertake to produce that effect.

You have passed an examination, you are suddenly ill, you break your back by a fall, or more simply than all of these, you enter a town, see a picture, hear a bar of music.... The thing's done: all values changed: what you saw before you see no longer, what you needed before you need no longer, what you expected before you expect no longer.... Alexandra Pavlovna was not a beautiful woman.

"Of course, I'll see another man, though it means throwing away more money. But" his face fell "they told me you were the best man for the heart.... Leave my work! The thing's ridiculous Patch me up and I'll go on till I drop. How long do you give me?" "As I said, you may live for years; on the other hand, you may go very suddenly."