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She wanted me to promise, but I would not, although I could not have run anywhere. My legs were entirely numb. In a half hour at the utmost I knew all would be known, and very likely I would be a homless wanderer on the earth. For I felt that never, never could I return to my Dear Ones, when my terrable actions became known.

Was SHE married to him? She was indeed. My dream was over. And the worst part of it was that for a married man I had done without Food or exercise and now stood in a hot closet in danger of a terrable fuss. "No, thank Heaven!" said Mrs. Patten. "But it was the only way to make him work. He is a lazy dog. But don't worry. We'll feed him before he sees you.

LATER: Carter Brooks has just gone, and I have a terrable headache owing to weeping, which always makes my head ache. He has gone to the War. I cannot write more. 10 P. M. I can now think better, although still weeping at intervals. I must write down all that has happened, as I do not feel like telling Jane, or indeed anybody.

How terrable, to, to think of us as betrayed by one of our own MENAGE! It was indeed a cricis. However, by getting in through a pantrey window, which I had done since a child for cake and so on, I entered the hall and was able, without a sound, to close and lock the library door.

It is now 9 P. M. and the mention of the flag has reminded me that our own Emblem still fluters beneath the Starry Sky. LATER: William is now in the Garage. I am watching from the window of the sowing room. The terrable thought comes has he a wireless concealed there, by which he sends out clandestine messages, perhaps to Germany? This I know.

I therfore stared at her steadily and observed: "I shall never ask for advise in matters of the Heart. There I draw the line." However, she had seen some caromels on my table, and suddenly burst into emotion. I was worried, not knowing the trouble and fearing that Jane was in love with Tom. It was a terrable thought, for which should I do?

It is perfectly terrable that it is going to stop. I know that this seems bold. But I did not feel bold, dear Dairy. It was such a letter as any one might read, and contained nothing compromizing. Still, I darsay I should not have written it. But "out of the fulness of the Heart the mouth speaketh." I was shaking so much that I could not give it to the usher. But Jane did.

Then Luke would lay his hand on his knee, shake his head, and sorrowfully state his pains and miseries: 'Aw, I be ter-rable bad, I be, he would say; 'I be most terrable bad: I can't but just drag my leg out of this yer ditch.

How agonising were the moments that ensued! He did not return, and at last, feeling that he had met a terrable Death, I went down. I went through the fatal dining room to the pantrey and there found him not only alive, but putting on a plate some cold roast beef and two apples. "I thought we'd have a bite to eat," he said.

Let her beg. Switzerland is not far from England, and in England Here I pause to reflect a moment. How is this thing possible? Can I love to members of the Other Sex? And if such is the Case, how can I go on with my Life? Better far to end it now, than to perchance marry one, and find the other still in my heart. The terrable thought has come to me that I am fickel. Fickel or polygamus which?