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"Stephen Van Landing." "Mine is Carmencita. Father named me that because when I was a teensy baby I kicked my feet so, and loved my tambourine best of all my things. Have you bought all your Christmas gifts, Mr. Van I don't remember the other part." "I haven't any to buy and no one to buy for. That is " "Good gracious!" The child turned quickly; in her eyes and voice incredulity was unrestrained.

Come, now, tell me the charm in those feet which you young ladies designated, I remember, as 'teensy, and expressed your desire to 'tiss. Shocking perversion of the king's English and in honor of nothing but two dirty little feet!" said Ralph. The storm which was visited upon Ralph's unhappy head for this barbarous criticism was dreadful.

I wasn't really sick, and just had a teensy, weensy bit of pain in my throat; and if I'd known what they were going to do to me I'd have been one of those Science Christians and kept it to myself." "But suppose you had given it to Channing?" Dorothea's uncle settled Dorothea more steadily on his lap. "The foolishness of wisdom is all some see of it, but if Channing had taken diphtheria from you "

After a final dab with the minute handkerchief, she leaned forward a little toward the Inspector, and proceeded to put a question to him with great eagerness. "Will you let me go home as soon as I've told you the teensy little I know?" "Yes," Burke agreed promptly, with an encouraging smile.

It was like Noah's Ark washed ashore an' lyin' thar to dry. Thar was six hosses so thin you could read through 'em without yore specs, three big road-wagons heavy enough to haul steam-engines on, the little, teensy pony with a bob-tail that the clown driv' in the procession, an' the little red-an'-green streaky wagon that he rid in.

"Claudia has reached the age of twenty-six. She told me so in one of her letters. What age have you reached, Uncle Winthrop?" "Middle age." "Is that very old?" Dorothea came closer, and her fingers slipped in and out of Laine's hair. "You're gray just a teensy bit, but I don't think she's a person who will mind if a man isn't truly young.

People can't treat you like dust under their feet unless you are beneath them, and I'm not in the least teensy weensy bit beneath the Bucknors of Buck Hill. Now they might treat me like the dust in the air the dust they have to breathe when the wind blows breathe that or stop breathing altogether. They might not like to breathe me in. I might be a little thick for them, but breathe me they must.

She caught her under lip between her teeth and kept her eyes upon the floor for a moment. Finally she faced him bravely. "I wasn't big or broad, not even a little teensy bit," she said honestly. "I was a little, shut-in, self-centered goose. But I believe I am learning things now. You are grand," she said, holding out her slender hand. The doctor took it in his.

His voice was cheerfully decisive. "That kind is usually soon over. Most of a wedding's time is taken in getting ready for it. Did you say your father was over there?" The child's head nodded. "They have a harp, so I know they are nice people. Father can't give lessons any more, because he can't see but just a teensy, weensy bit when the sun is shining.