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But before the last echo died away while Mrs Bosenna smiled her acknowledgment as the band formed up for "God Save the Queen" as they lifted their instruments and the bandmaster tapped the music-stand with his baton, at the top of his voice 'Bias delivered his counter-stroke. "And one more for Peter Benny!"

That will do for to-day. On Wednesday we shall see you tirer au mur. It is more deliberate. Speed will follow when the mechanism of the movements is more assured." Another voice murmured in answer. The steps moved aside. The lesson was at an end. Andre-Louis tapped on the door. It was opened by a tall, slender, gracefully proportioned man of perhaps forty.

Across the table stood a designer and two cutters, and they were watching Emma with an intentness as flattering as it was sincere. They were looking not only at cloth but at an idea. "Get that?" asked Emma crisply, and tapped the pattern spread before her with the point of her shears. "That gives you the fulness without bunching, d'you see?"

I'm the unchallenged King of the Beasts! I am the " He dove behind a bush when the Tiger tapped him on the shoulder. "Er, excuse me," said the Tiger, "but I only wanted to get your attention." "Sorry," the Lion said meekly, slinking back into the open. "I think we should learn about our new chum," suggested the Hungry Tiger.

When, however, she was allowed to walk about, and even entertain her companions to tea, the first excuse could no longer be offered, and at last, consent being given, she tapped tremblingly at the well-known door. Nurse's voice bade her enter, and she walked forward with her eyes fixed on the bed on which Evie lay.

They were all talking at the same time, and at intervals Fletcher muttered hotly: "This time she leaves the bill or I walk out of the theatre!" Then a clear voice cried: "Me voila!" and a dainty apparition in an ermine wrap tripped into the centre of the group, tapped the manager lightly on the shoulder and said: "Allons! I am ready!" Mr.

Nobody tapped except the sheriff, the constable, the tax-collector and the parson, and the latter's calls had been rare since the family fortunes, never other than humble, had been going from bad to worse. So that it was not without some trepidation, which was shared by the family, that old Elnathan now rose from his seat by the chimney corner and went and opened the door.

Smiling still, he doffed his hat before the dozen girls in the outer laboratory, while he looked about him. Professor Opdyke was not there. After an instant's hesitation, Brenton crossed the intervening strip of floor and tapped upon the door leading to the private laboratory beyond. "Come in."

Heap hungry. Him got bully coat." Nicholas picked it up off the floor. "Him got no kow-kow. Him say, 'Give me duck, give me back-fat. You take coat, him too heavy. Me say, 'Yes." "But how did he get the coat?" "Him say two white men came down river on big ice." "Yes, yes " "Men sick." He tapped his forehead. "Man no sick, he no go down with the ice"; and Nicholas shuddered.

They had scarcely seated themselves to work again, the lieutenant puffing vigorously, before they heard footsteps in the corridor, with a rustle of silks, and a hand tapped on the door. It opened as Dicky jumped to his feet, calling "Come in!" and on the threshold appeared Mrs. Vyell, in walking dress. Dicky liked "Mrs.