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Yet never was love freer from taint of sin, and the end of the play was in no wise tragic. That pure affection was encouraged and sanctified by the happy bride. Bellario was not to be banished, but sheltered. Alas! yes; but this was love unreturned.

They ain’t nothin’ to beat it as fah as fun goes.” “It must be just jolly. I guess you’re a pretty good dancer, Grégoire?” “Well ’taint fur me to say. But they ain’t many can out dance me: not in Natchitoches pa’ish, anyway. I can say that much.” If such a thing could have been, Fanny would have startled Grégoire more than once during the drive home.

Winston Churchill may well call South Africa a "land of lies". Various slanders against ourselves have emanated to some extent from the Dutch papers in Cape Colony and the Transvaal, but in a much fuller and more substantial form from the Continental papers, notably the Parisian Press. On the other hand, our own journalists have not been altogether free from this taint.

For they both started from the assumption that the tones of the stage must be gradually built up into power from those used in ordinary speech, and so they avoided the least taint of staginess, and were on their way to become rather better actors than the best we have just now.

Her faith and her hymn revealed the true ideals of this strange journey we call life. There is an old proverb: "Guard beginnings." If a stream is poisoned at its head it will carry the deadly taint through its whole course. The most significant moment of life is the moment of awakening. The importance of morning has been more or less realized in the instinct of the human heart in every age.

This will be discovered when he dies and is safe beyond receiving all possible benefits from such recognition. Many men in America make reputations as humorists, and find it impossible to divest their more serious writings from this "taint," if so it may be called.

Of a necessity, no truce with the wolf became the slogan of the present campaign. No mushy sentiment was admissible the fighting was not over, and the powder must be kept dry. The troughs were accordingly sledded into the corral, where any taint from the cattle would further disarm suspicion, and left for future use. The taking of so many pelts looked like an impossible task for a boy.

Again he drew upon his earlier experiences. We are once more introduced into a debtors' prison. Little Dorrit is the child of the Marshalsea, born and bred within its walls, the sole living thing about the place on which its taint does not fall. Her worthless brother, her sister, her father who is not only her father, but the "father of the Marshalsea" the prison blight is on all three.

"Come nearer; no, your breath and hair are free from the taint. Well, it may be as you say, and I am loth to suspect you of falsehood. But listen to me, my boy; I am not assuming that you have been smoking, mind, but only, as we are on the subject, that you might do so.

Find out how much the Governor wants and give him some more." The secretary was valuable in part because he was frank and because in his sincere loyalty dwelt no taint of sycophant fawning. "To be entirely just, sir, I think Corbin does understand you, but a cashier who gives out money with no check on disbursements feels the burden of his responsibility.