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"It's gittin' t'wards dinner time, chile," she said tenderly, "an' time I was dressin' my queen gal for dinner an sendin' her out to get roses in her cheeks." "Oh, Mammy, don't don't dress me that way any more. I am I am to be after this just a mill girl, you know?" There was a sob and her head sank lower over the piano.

'I know you can't help it, said I, 'but if the Post Office can stop and open suspected circulars, surely it can refuse to help this abomination! 'I've delivered pretty well a score, sir, said he; 'and I wish you or some person would write to the papers and stop it. 'Well, I said, 'it's not for me to ask if you have a guess who sends this sort of thing about? He rubbed his chin for a while and then answered: `No, Parson; nor 'tisn't for me to tell 'ee if I do: but if you should happen to be strollin' down t'wards the Quay, you might take a look at Mrs Polsue's Cochin-China hens.

They knew enough to move two abreast but not enough to carry their guns, which were held over their shoulders at all angles, and pointed in almost every direction. "Are they guerrillas?" he asked, at length. "Ger which?" whispered the farmer. "Them's Thompson's men, and I don't like to see 'em pointing t'wards the swamp the way they be." "What's down there?" inquired Rodney.

An' what's more, you don't know how to handle a boat, an' couldn't get back by yoursel', not in a month." "This is stark madness. You you abandoned woman, how long do you mean to keep me here?" "Till thou give in to me. We'm goin' straight t'wards Plymouth now, an' if th' wind holds as 'twill we'll be off the Rame in two hours.

In an ordinary way she'd have paid no heed to his tantrums: but just now she felt very kindly disposed t'wards everybody, and really wished to chat over the race with him treating it as a joke now that her credit was saved, and never offering to crow over him. But the more she fenced about to be agreeable the more he stitched and sulked.

"Yes: the other summer-house fronts a bit more up the harbour; t'wards the fireworks, that's to say." "You ought to know: you chose it. . . . But anyway I asked her first." "Thank you thank you both!" interposed Mrs Bosenna, leaving the question open. "And may I bring Dinah too? She's almost as silly about fireworks as I am, poor woman! and life on a farm can be dull."

"'N' another thing, I'd plan t' have some hosses stached out in one uh them canons, 'n' I'd mebby use a autymobile t' git to 'em, 'n' send the car back t' town I could trust the feller that drove it outa my sight. 'N', Luck, if you'll take my advice, you'll hit out t'wards the Jemes country. I know every foot uh the way, 'n' we kin make it in a coupla days by pushin' the hosses.

Anyway, Stony Bugg, he went out and found this here Mister Wash Burnett and invited him to see if there was anything left in the bar; and Burnett, he fell into the trap, not apparently suspicioning nothing, and said he didn't care if he did. So they sashayed off together t'wards the nighest grocery arm in arm.