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And scarcely had she begun to wash When she was aware of the grisly gash, to such hymns as O happy place! When shall I be My God with Thee, To see Thy face? "What a touch of grossness!" he exclaimed, "what an original shortcoming in the more delicate spiritual perceptions, is shown by the natural growth amongst us of such hideous names Higginbottom, Stiggins, Bugg!

"But jest then we heard a kind of to-do outside, and the doah flew open and something rolled in and flattened out in the main aisle. Would you believe me, it was Stony Bugg, more puffectly disguised in licker than I ever expected to see. "Two of us grabbed holt of him by the arms and pulled him up on his feet. He opened his eyes kind of dazed-like and looked around.

He very often attempts to be humorous, and yet we do not remember a single occasion on which he has succeeded further than to be quaintly and flippantly dull. In one of his works he tells us that Bishop Sprat was very properly so called, inasmuch as he was a very small poet. And in the book now before us he cannot quote Francis Bugg, the renegade Quaker, without a remark on his unsavoury name.

"Who the hell is Franklin Pierce?" passed from lip to lip. Sam Bugg knew his political catechism well. He proceeded at length to tell all about Franklin Pierce, ending with the opinion that he was the man wanted and would be elected hands down, and he had a thousand dollars to bet on it. Then he slipped away to tell his pal. "Wake up, Chunky," he cried. "We got a candidate Gen.

But there was no escape, and carrying it off amiably we shook hands. It is needless to say that then and there we dropped our groundless feud and remained the rest of his life very good friends. In this connection still another poker story. Sam Bugg, the Nashville gambler, was on a Mississippi steamer bound for New Orleans.

Senator Joe Blackburn shore proved hisse'f a statesman that day. "Well, it got on t'wards half past three, and while we warn't noways uneasy we taken to wishing that Stony Bugg would report back. At ten minutes befoah foah there warn't no signs of Stony Bugg.

After two or three failures to bring the cold deck into action Sam Bugg brushed a spider an imaginary spider, of course from the gambler's coat collar, for an instant distracting his attention and in the momentary confusion the stacked cards were duly dealt and the betting began, the gambler confident and aggressive.

Through rising fog a dragon sandstrewer, travelling at caution, slews heavily down upon him, its huge red headlight winking, its trolley hissing on the wire. THE GONG: Bang Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo. Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, blunders stifflegged out of the track. THE MOTORMAN: Hey, shitbreeches, are you doing the hat trick? Close shave that but cured the stitch.

If we are to talk of ideal perfection, of "the best in the whole world," has any one reflected what a touch of grossness in our race, what an original short-coming in the more delicate spiritual perceptions, is shown by the natural growth amongst us of such hideous names, Higginbottom, Stiggins, Bugg!

"'Fore we could more'n ketch our breaths the chairman called for a ballot and they taken it, and General Hightower was nominated 52 to 51 Captain Stonewall J. Bugg being recorded by the secretary as absent and not voting. And while the up-state fellers was carrying on and swapping cheers with one another, our fellers sat there jest dumfoundered.