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"He'll whip you, Tillie; and here's all the sweepin' to be did " There was a strange gleam in Tillie's eyes before which the woman shrank and held her peace. The girl swept past her, almost walked over several of the children sprawling on the porch, and went out of the gate and up the road toward the village.

"I gave him a hundred pounds, but not at all as a bribe, sir; I'm an honest man, I trust an' the Lord forbid I'd have anything to do wid a bribe; an' if you an' he knew if you only knew, both o' you the hard strivin, an' scrapin, an' sweepin' I had to get it together " "That will do, sir; be silent. You received this money, Mr. Henderson?"

Mebby the Pacific waves are a little less tumultous and high sweepin' than the Atlantic, a little more pacific as it were, but they sway out dretful long, and dash up dretful high, bearin' us along with 'em every time, up and down, down and up, and part of the time our furniture and our stomachs would foller 'em and sway, too, and act.

The fishin' party 'ad gone out on the reefs after rockfish, which is one of the gamiest fighters we 'ave 'ere, and some of 'em runs up to fifty and sixty pounds. They 'ad 'ooked several fine 'ogfish you want to 'ave a look at some of 'em; crimson fish they are with long sweepin' spines and the next bite turned out to be a chub. They could see 'im plainly enough through the clear water.

"One day Miss Mary Jane, Helen, an' me was playin' an' we seen mens all dressed in blue coats wid brass buttons on dey bosoms ridin' on big fine hosses, drive right up to our po'ch an' say to Aunt Dalia whar she was sweepin': "'Good morning, Madam, no men's about? "When she tol' 'em wa'nt no mens 'bout, day ax fer de keys to de smokehouse an' went out an' hap'ed deyse'ves an' loaded dey wagons.

Then up on the broad road agin, sweepin' round a curve where we could see a little ways off a great mansion with a wall built high round it as if to shet in the repose and sweet home-life and shet out intrusion, sort a protect it from the too curius glances of a curius generation.

"I mean, ma'am an' I see no reason as I shouldn't say it, for it's the truth there's a worm at the root of society where one yuman bein' 's got to do the dirty work of another. I don't mind sweepin' up my own dust, but I won't sweep up nobody else's. I ain't a goin' to demean myself no longer! There!" "Leave the room, Alice," said Mrs.

No, I told him I didn't think I was. A hidgyis tho't flasht over me. It was of that onprincipled taler, and I said, "Has my clothin' a Welchy appearance?" "Not by no means," he answered, and then he said, "And what is your opinyin of the present crisis?" I said, "I don't zackly know. Have you got it very bad?" He replied, "Sir, it is sweepin' England like the Cymoon of the Desert!"

She thinks she knows everything, and she has a way of making others believe it. But she has proved herself a broken reed over this affair: and," said Miss Oliver to herself with decision, "I rather fancy I'll make Mary-Martha sensible of it." "So you see, Mary-Martha, that for once in a way you were wrong and I was right." "You're too fond of sweepin' statements, Charity Oliver.

Now that I'm here you must divide the work with me so I may have my share." Although Ellen did not return the smile, the scowl on her forehead relaxed. "You'll find plenty to keep you busy, I guess," she returned. "There's all the housework to be done dishes, beds, an' sweepin'; an' then there's milk to set an' skim; eggs to collect an' pack for market; hens to feed; an' " "Goodness me!"