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And, by piecin' out more jerky bulletins, it's clear that Piddie has pulled off the prize stunt of his whole career.

Such is the passing tradition. The present lad of the navy is creating a new one. For one thing, he no longer gets drunk that is, he does not get drunk by divisions. To illustrate: During that greatest steaming stunt in all maritime history the cruise of our sixteen battleships with their auxiliaries around the world all naval records were broken in the number of enlisted men allowed ashore.

Letters to Miss Somers elicited no real response only a line to say that she wasn't strong enough to write. None of her other female friends could get any encouragement to visit her. It was perhaps due to Miss Thurston's mimicry of Melora Meigs she made quite a "stunt" of it that none of them pushed the matter beyond the first rebuff. By summer-time I began to get worried myself.

Darn good stunt to remember, ain't it, if a person ever got up against that sort of thing?" There was no direct reply to the half-question, and Buck shot a glance at his companions. Lynch rode slightly behind him and was out of the line of vision. McCabe, with face averted, bent over fussing with his saddle-strings.

But just about an hour ago the Russians pulled their stunt. Emergency S.O.S. One of their planes with engine trouble. Can't get home. It's heading this way for an emergency landing, convoyed by another plane. Can you imagine us refusing permission for a ship in trouble to land?" "I don't believe it's in trouble!" said Captain Moggs angrily. "Neither do I," said Soames.

"It would not be easy for a boy to have better parents. Father is quite unlike Mother, of course ... but ... I have a tremendous admiration for him, all the same. I'll tell you a secret. I believe up to this time I have wanted more than anything else to please my father. When I had to work for exams. I hated, or any stunt of that kind, when I oh, I oughtn't to be talking about myself.

I wanted mediæval ways, and it looks as if I was going to get them. It'll be rather a stunt to go to bed by candle-light. Are there any ghosts about this place? Or skeletons built into the wall? Or dungeons with rusting chains? Or mysterious footsteps? Oh! I thought there'd have been at least something spooky in a house that claims to be six hundred years old."

"Huh," said Ray Martin, "just imagine a fellow getting fidgety over a motor; regular girl." "It does seem queer," said Bruce. Then getting to his feet and brushing the dust from his trousers he continued: "Say, fellows, if we are going to try this flag stunt I think it's up to us to get a wiggle on. We've only two weeks to do the work in, you know. I'm going to see Mr.

"I saw him once when he brought two ladies round the works dressed-up creatures they were, too! One of them spoke to me. I nearly told her to mind her own business and not try the district visitor stunt on me." Faith caught her breath. "You wouldn't dare!" she said aghast. Peg laughed. "Wouldn't I! I'm not afraid of anybody or anything."

Just think of a great big bat circling around in the darkness of night, sending down a searchlight, maybe, to pick out the right spot, and then, bang! Good-by to your old fort or battleship! It would be all over before you could wink twice. And let me tell you, fellows, we've got the bully boys in the army to do this same stunt, if anybody on earth can!" "Thank you for the compliment, my boy!"