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The Po, in those parts of its course where the embankments leave a wide space between, often cuts off bends in its channel and straightens its course. These short cuts are called salti, or leaps, and sometimes abridge the distance between their termini by several miles. Combination of Methods.

The fiddle rings a chord! the merry double line straightens down the hall from front door to rear, bang! says the fiddler's foot "hands round!" and hands round it is!

Doc Peets later grows ashamed of the part he plays, an' two months afterwards when Coyote is chewed an' clawed to a standstill by a infooriated badger which he mixes himse'f up with, Peets binds him up an' straightens out his game, an' declines all talk of recompense complete.

"Ton patron arrive!" one mechanician cries to another. "Your boss is coming!" The machine dips sharply over the top of a hangar, straightens out again near the earth at a dizzy speed a few feet above it and, losing momentum in a surprisingly short time, hits the ground with tail and wheels.

"Why do men fight like that? It's dreadful." Dan scratched his shiny bald head. "It straightens out a heap of things in this little old world. My old man used to say to me when I was a kid, 'Son, don't start trouble, but when it's going, play yore hand out. That's how it is with Steve. He ain't huntin' trouble anywhere, but he ce'tainly plays his hand out." Phil took charge of his sister.

"'What could you have to say to me? asks Calliope dry as a bone in her voice, but I see her eyes wasn't so dry. Leastwise, it may not have been her eyes, but it was her look. "Then he straightens up some. He was still good-lookin'. When you was with him it use' to be that you sort o' wanted to stay an' it seemed the same way now. He was that kind.

In a few minutes the larger part of the sand and the gravel is washed out of the pan by the water. Now only a thin layer of black sand remains on the bottom of the pan. The crucial instant has come. Ham slowly straightens up, carefully pours all the water out of the pan, bends his head down close over it, and begins moving the thin layer of black sand about with his fingers.

Once we arrives at my grandfather's, my father leaves us all standin' in the yard and reepairs into the house. The next minute him an' my grandfather comes out. They don't say nothin', but my grandfather goes all over the two-year-old with eyes an' hand for mighty likely ten minutes. At last he straightens up an' turns on my father with a face loaded to the muzzle with rage.

To show them manners, I said, 'How are you? and I went to bow, but chaw my last tobacco if I could, my breeches was so tight the heat way back in the canyon had shrunk them. They were too polite to notice it, and I felt for my knife to rip the dog-goned things, but recollecting the scalp-taker was stolen, I straightens up and bowed my head.

The fair-hair straightens up with a snort, while the pot-openers begin to cuss sort o' growly. "Where are you from an' how long have you been making my business your own?" asked the fair-hair. "Oh, I come from up no'th a ways; but I ain't ever made your business mine. I never saw your outfit until twenty minutes ago but I've seen other outfits." "Can you handle cattle?" sez he.