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The fair-hair straightens up with a snort, while the pot-openers begin to cuss sort o' growly. "Where are you from an' how long have you been making my business your own?" asked the fair-hair. "Oh, I come from up no'th a ways; but I ain't ever made your business mine. I never saw your outfit until twenty minutes ago but I've seen other outfits." "Can you handle cattle?" sez he.

I know your name all right, but hanged if I can see through your game. I ain't goin' to try, either. As long as you choose to play at bein' foreman, I'll play at bein' cook, an' when you start on again, I'm willin' to join ya. I'll get your supper in a jiffey, Kid." I sauntered over to the fair-hair, tryin' to act as if this was an every day occurrence.

So every springtide came war and hosting, harrying and burning, till a great fight at Hafursfiord settled the matter, and Harald "Ugly-Head," as men called him while the strife lasted, was free to shear his locks again and became Harald "Fair-Hair."

"We expect to get them to market in good shape," sez the fair-hair, uncoilin' his dignity. I rolled a cigarette. "What makes you think we won't get them to market in good shape?" sez he. "'Cause your cook's got a sour temper, an' the' ain't no one bossin' the job 'at knows how," sez I, mild an' open-faced, an' lookin' into the fire.

Both in person and character he resembled Harold, the Fair-Hair of Norway, who is described, in the old Icelandic Death-Song of Regner Hairy-Breeches, as "the young chief so proud of his flowing locks; he who spent his mornings among the young maidens; he who loved toconverse with the handsome widows." This was an amiable weakness; and it sometimes led him into mischief.

"No," he grinned, "nor in the man-handlin' business, but I want to tell you right now that I have enjoyed this evenin's performance, no matter what happens from it. I ain't carryin' much cash with me," he added after a moment's thought. "I ain't carryin' any," sez I. He looked into my face again an' gave his chuckle. A feller couldn't help but echo when that fair-hair chuckled.