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Where the rifts are narrow, and some of the Sierra cañons are not a stone's throw from wall to wall, the best trail for foot or horse winds considerably above the watercourses; but in a country of cone-bearers there is usually a good strip of swardy sod along the cañon floor.

At last these two days a week of giving lessons at the Misses Stone's, from being merely the agreeable lucrative variety in her life which they had promised to be, became gray days of penance to Rose Millar, when she felt she was under a spell, and did her duty badly. She ceased to refer to them in her letters home.

Somerset jumped up, drew aside the curtains, and stepped into the bow-window. Right before him rose a blaze. The window looked upon the street and along the turnpike road to the very hill on which the castle stood, the keep being visible in the daytime above the trees. Here rose the light, which appeared little further off than a stone's throw instead of nearly three miles.

Barnes's remark that he supposed, unless anything happened and wickets began to fall a bit faster, they had better think of declaring somewhere about half-past three or four, was met with a storm of opposition. "Declare!" said Robinson. "Great Scott, what on earth are you talking about?" "Declare!" Stone's voice was almost a wail of indignation. "I never saw such a chump."

We hadn't many friends, we didn't entertain much, we had dinner in the middle of the day, and supper in the evening. There was my father who was a recluse, my mother who was essentially our mother, the two girls and four boys. In addition to these, B. and I both had inseparable friends, who lived within a stone's throw.

She said she wanted to write to 'em, but her uncle, he hated the Temples, so he wouldn't let her, and as time went on she kinder forgot 'em, and didn't know where to direct, and after she took crazy she never would speak of her sisters, or own that she had any." "Is Mr. Furbush buried near here?" asked George; and the landlord answered, "Little better than a stone's throw.

It was a ship of war, and had eight towers, from each of which stone's were to be thrown at the enemy by six men. Its machines, like modern cannons, could throw stones of three hundred pounds weight, and arrows of eighteen feet in length. It had four anchors of wood, and eight of iron.

Stone looked round bewildered; it seemed as if he, too, had been ignorant of that fact. "What is it that you've thought of?" The firelight leaped suddenly on to Mr. Stone's thin yellow hand. "Each of us," he said, "has a shadow in those places in those streets." There was a vague rustling, as of people not taking a remark too seriously, and the sound of a closing door.

Barney lived a stone's throw from Teig, alone, in a wee tumbled-in cabin; and for a score of years past Teig had stood on the doorstep every Christmas Eve, and, making a hollow of his two hands, had called across the road: "Hey, there, Barney, will ye come over for a sup?" And Barney had reached for his crutches there being but one leg to him and had come.

But Sherman did the work ashore as D. D. Porter did afloat. Meanwhile Bragg had brought the campaign to a close among the eastern tributaries by a daring, though abortive, march on Nashville. Rosecrans, now commanding the army of the Cumberland, stopped and defeated him at Stone's River on New Year's Eve.