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For this reason, a great deal will depend, not only in material ways, upon the question whether methods of production in industry and agriculture become stereotyped or continue to change rapidly as they have done during the last hundred years.

Most of their time is necessarily passed at home, but they undergo all manner of house discomfort resulting from this preference of cheap finery over solid structure, rather than forego their "genteel locality" and stereotyped ornamentation.

"But how could you, Leith," I cried, the picture of the consumptive lad strong before me, "how could you treat him so barbarously?" Leith laughed dryly. "My dear fellow, how often must I explain to you your confusions? Orthodox sentiment and stereotyped emotion master you. And then your temperament! You are really incapable of rational judgments. Cerberus? Pshaw!

If you are prepared for the distribution of land to become stereotyped, for each piece to continue indefinitely in its present use, then indeed you might dispense with rent, as primitive societies very largely do. That would mean stagnation and, for an industrial country, decay. But if changes are ever to be contemplated, a simple quantitative measure is the only safeguard against utter chaos.

He took from his pocket a folded paper. "We've been drafting a constitution, Hall McAllister and I." He read the rather stereotyped beginning. "And do you mean," asked Broderick, "that these men will take the law into their own hands; that they'll apprehend so-called criminals and presume to mete out punishment according to their own ideas of justice?" "I mean just that," returned Benito.

Wasgatt turned to him after a rapid scrutiny of the make-up of the party. "I'd like to have the resolutions read," remarked the General, quietly. "Go ahead, Wasgatt," commanded Presson; and the committeeman advanced to the table under the chandelier and began to read. The preamble was after the usual stereotyped form; the first sections endorsed the cardinal principles of the party, and Mr.

Definitions determine nothing, but they do work great damage when minds capable of being stereotyped to them agree to impose those definitions on their fellows as final, authoritative, and essential to their welfare. The divine is neither infinite nor sublime when you can say, Here are His lineaments and He has no other likeness or appearance.

As we are both in and of it, we cannot help treating it as a living being. Any image, then, suggestive of the notion of a society disguising itself, or of a social masquerade, so to speak, will be laughable. Now, such a notion is formed when we perceive anything inert or stereotyped, or simply ready-made, on the surface of living society.

There can hardly be a stronger proof of misconception as to the character of free-thinking in the present day, than the recommendation of Leland’sShort and Easy Method with the Deists”—a method which is unquestionably short and easy for preachers disinclined to reconsider their stereotyped modes of thinking and arguing, but which has quite ceased to realize those epithets in the conversion of Deists.

While accordingly the taking part in the masked farces with stereotyped characters, that formed the usual native amusement, was looked upon as an innocent youthful frolic, the appearing on a public stage for money and without a mask was considered as directly infamous, and the singer and poet were in this respect placed quite on a level with the rope-dancer and the harlequin.