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The moon hung kindly above its level roof in the silence of that October morning, as I checked my gait to loiter along the picket fence; but suddenly the house showed a light of its own. The spurt of a match took my eye to one of the upper windows, then a steadier glow of orange told me that a lamp was lighted. The window was opened, and a man looked out and whistled loudly.

Well, she went on to say that what remained now to be done was to bring about a marriage between them. She spoke of it, Fanny, with a steadier voice than I can." He was obliged to pause more than once as he continued. "'We must persuade Henry to marry her, said she; 'and what with honour, and the certainty of having shut himself out for ever from Fanny, I do not despair of it.

The Elm Tree Association, however, from one cause and another, was short-lived; but "It lived to light a steadier flame" in the Laurel Hill Association, of Stockbridge, which, taking the idea from the Sheffield plan, continues to develop it in a very beautiful and admirable manner.

God has afflicted him with a hump, so we are not very hard on him." "And he's always drinking with the other fellows, always drinking," sighed Afanasyevna. "Before Carnival we married him, thinking he'd be steadier, but there! he's worse than ever." "It's been no use. Simply keeping another man's daughter for nothing," said Dyudya.

Catherine herself was no longer before me in the vivacious flesh, with her half playful pathos of word and look, her fascinating outward light and shade, her deeper and steadier intellectual glow. Those, I suppose, were the charms which had undone me, first as well as last; but the memory of them was no solace in the train. Nor was I tempted to dream again of ultimate reward.

His guardian must have a sharp eye for picking holes, if he can find any in Morville. Not a steadier fellow going, only too much so. 'Ah! thought Mrs. Henley, 'these young men always hang together; and she let him escape without further question. But, when he emerged from the house, Guy was already out of sight, and he could not succeed in finding him.

However, it is not the 'Knifers' that I belong to, but the 'Red Girdles. They are a steadier lot, and take their work more seriously." "Do you mean the work of knifing?" "That, among other things. Knives are very useful in their way; but only when you have a good, organized propaganda behind them. That is what I dislike in the other sect.

Skag turned his eyes slowly back the path by the river where the cough had come from. "I am better now," he said. "I wonder if anyone ever thought of running away like that?" "It is not a good feeling to be at the mercy of oneself," Skag said. Carlin caught a quick breath. There was a steadiness in his eyes. It was steadier than anything she knew.

Lascelles has been worse than the last; and as to my Latin verses, they were beyond everything shocking, so you see there is no making the two things agree, and the hunting must wait till I grow steadier, if I ever do. Heigho! It is a great bore to be so stupid, for I thought But it is of no use to talk of it! 'Mr.

As a priest, he had deemed that it was not unlawful for him to retain the memorial of the link that had bound him to her who had been the light that led him to the true Light beyond; but as youth passed away, as devotion burned brighter, as the experiences of those years became more dream-like, and the horror, grief, and misery of his King's death had been assuaged only by the steadier contemplation of the Light of Eternity, he had felt that this last pledge of his once lower aims and hopes ought to be resigned; and that if it cost him a pang, it was well that it should be so, to render the offering a sacrifice.