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He caught the infant from her arms, half ashamed of the shout of laughter which rose on all sides, at seeing an armed man in such a situation assume such an unwonted and inconvenient burden. "Shoulder your infant!" cried a harquebusier. "Port your infant!" said a pikeman. "Peace, ye brutes," said Stawarth Bolton, "and respect humanity in others if you have none yourselves.

"By my honour, Sir John," said Sir George Heron of Chipchase, "there is but little reason we should fight these Scottish Lords e'en now, for I hold opinion with old Stawarth Bolton, and believe yonder prisoner to be no more Piercie Shafton than he is the Earl of Northumberland; and you were but ill advised to break the peace betwixt the countries for a prisoner of less consequence than that gay mischief-maker."

We are something unprovided for a second field, but if yonder dark cloud on the hill edge bring us foul weather, we must bear as bravely as our broken cloaks will bide it. Meanwhile, Stawarth, we have got the deer we have hunted for here is Piercie Shafton hard and fast betwixt two troopers." "Who, that lad?" said Bolton; "he is no more Piercie Shafton than I am.

"Not I, by Heaven!" said Bolton; "I never saw the youth in my life before." "But you have seen him ere now, my worthy master," said Dame Glendinning, bursting in her turn from the crowd. "My son, this is Stawarth Bolton, he to whom we owe life, and the means of preserving it if he be a prisoner, as seems most likely, use thine interest with these noble lords to be kind to the widow's friend."

In fact, Sir John Foster came up with a considerable body of his horsemen, just as his Captain, whose age rendered him unequal to the combat with so strong and active a youth as Glendinning, was deprived of his sword. "Take it up for shame, old Stawarth Bolton," said the English Warden; "and thou, young man, tell me who and what thou art?"

"And where am I to find these superlative champions," said the English knight, "whose blood runs more pure than that of Piercie Shafton?" "Here is a flight for you, my lord!" said Murray. "As ever was flown by a wild-goose," said Stawarth Bolton, who had now approached to the front of the party. "Who dared to say that word?" said the Euphuist, his face crimson with rage.

Adieu, dame; when the black-eyed rogue is able to drive a foray from England, teach him to spare women and children, for the sake of Stawarth Bolton."

I must go speak with yonder false Scot, and he knows how to frame his devices, to cast dust in the eyes of a plain man, as well as ever a knave in the north. I am no match for him in words, and for hard blows we are but too ill provided. Stawarth Bolton, put our troop in order, and be ready to move forward at the wagging of a finger.

But," he added, after a moment's pause, "if Stawarth Bolton wills to abide with you on his own free choice, I will say nothing against it; and, as I bethink me, it were better he should stay to see the dismissal of this same Piercie Shafton." "I receive him as your hostage, nevertheless, and shall treat him as such," said the Earl of Murray.

I was mair beholden to ae Southron, and that was Stawarth Bolton, than to a' the border-riders ever wore Saint Andrew's cross I reckon their skelping back and forward, and lifting honest men's gear, has been a main cause of a' the breach between us and England, and I am sure that cost me a kind goodman.