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The head-phones had been disconnected so there was nothing to hinder a prompt boarding of the captured boat when Jack gave the word. With the glorious flush of victory thrilling his whole frame Perk stood by to fend off as they drew close to the squatty stern.

Against the skyline Lorraine saw the rider's form bulk squatty and ungraceful, reminding her of an actor whom she knew and did not like. It was that resemblance perhaps which held her quiet instead of following her first impulse to speak to them and ask them to carry her grip to the house. The horses stopped with their forefeet in the water and drooped heads to drink thirstily.

"Oh oh! there it is, at last," cried Una, her hand to her breathless side, "a nice 'squatty' slab almost as smooth as glass an' shaped like a mud-turtle. I wonder if there is a fairy underneath it lurking under the rim. Now now for the wishing cap!"

Along the river front was a long line of squatty warehouses, backed up by narrow and far from clean streets, where the places of business were huddled together, and where a good share of the trading was done on the sidewalk. The population was a very much mixed one, but of the Europeans the English and French predominated. The natives were short, fat, and exceedingly greasy appearing.

As though it were not bad enough to bring the girl to the house in the first place without paying a man a fancy price to teach her to have her own way! "Flowers! Humph! Old fools " Unable to endure another word in silence she stalked off to her own quarters. In the butler's pantry she found Beryl arranging real flowers in a squatty Bristol glass bowl and humming gaily as she did so.

On his right is that squatty mass of freestone and smoke, Englishmen exultingly call the Royal Academy, but which Frenchmen affect contempt for, and uninitiated Americans mistake for a tomb.

The oncoming launch, he observed bitterly, was the direct antithesis of his expectations. Surely there could be no speed in that squatty packet with her sagging bow and queer looking box-affair for a stern. The strange craft drew abreast of the wharf and whirled about in a wave-washed circle.

But in their petty, monotonous, habitually frivolous life there was, in general, a great deal of semi-puerile, semi-hysterical play. Simeon brought a coffee pot, cups, a squatty bottle of Benedictine, fruits and bon-bons in glass vases, and gaily and easily began making the corks of the beer and wine pop. "But why don't you drink?" Yarchenko turned to the reporter Platonov.

Then there was a funny little old guy in a cutaway and a purple tie, a couple of squatty, full-chested women dressed as fancy as a pair of plush sofas, a maid or so, and a pie-faced scared-lookin' gink that it was easy to guess must be the butler. Everybody had been so busy talkin' that they hadn't heard us swarm up the steps. "I say," whispers Mr. Robert, "hadn't we better call it off?"

"I wonder what will happen next? But I know one thing, I'm never going to do any jumping for any squatty old toads any more." So Uncle Wiggily traveled on and on, and when it came night he didn't have any place to sleep.