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"I hope you left no clue as to where we were going." "Not such a fool! By Jove, I am chilled to the bone! Come on, Burger, let us warm ourselves by a spurt of hard walking." Their footsteps sounded loud and crisp upon the rough stone paving of the disappointing road which is all that is left of the most famous highway of the world.

The pirates heard the words and understood either them or the action that followed, for they also "put on a spurt," and encouraged each other with a cheer. Moses heard the cheer, and at the same time heard the sound of the rapid to which they were by that time drawing near.

The high-powered car's fender had struck it fair, and had tossed it into the ditch as though the dog had been a heap of rags. There huddled and lifeless sprawled the beautiful collie. The car put on an extra spurt of speed and disappeared round the next turn. Olive was on her feet before Dorcas's flying steps could reach her.

You know what that verse of Shakespeare in the old Fifth Reader says 'the brave man is not he who feels no fear." "No but it is 'he whose noble soul its fear subdues. I don't do that. We can't gloss it over, Rilla. I'm a coward." "You're not. Think of how you fought Dan Reese long ago." "One spurt of courage isn't enough for a lifetime."

When the leaders were less than fifty yards off Sid Todd made a spurt. "Here comes Todd!" "Todd wins! Todd wins!" "Galpey is second!" "Yes, and Yates is third!" "Say, that's riding for you!" And so the cries rang out. Sid Todd had indeed won, and all of his friends from Star Ranch congratulated him. The second prize went to the cowboy from the Hooper ranch.

First of all the race-horse, able to eat his oats and a portion of the hay, could do with some additional dainty bits, perhaps, but on the whole he has his stomach filled and can live. He is yoked to his load, and being a spirited animal, he goes at it very hard, succeeds for a time; at last he sticks in a rut, puts on a "spurt," and breaks down. He can't do the work.

At the door of the spare room he looked in. In one corner stood a walking-stick his own. 'Where did that come from? 'We found it there, sir. 'Ah yes I gave it to him. 'Tis like me to play another's game! It was the last spurt of bitterness that Jocelyn let escape him. He went on towards Mrs. Pierston's room, preceded by the servant. 'Mr.

Presently there was a bang from our side of the river, and a spurt of dust on the opposite maidan where the bullet struck. Humayun had over-judged the distance. By the time he was ready for another shot, our two friends were legging it across the plain as fast as their ponies could gallop. He got in a couple of shots more, but they did not hurt anybody.

"You shouted school of sharks to me yourself," defended Greer. "I! I!" puffed Caradoc, whose spurt had blown him badly. "I said nothing about sharks!" "Well, what did you say?" demanded Greer. Caradoc thought back fretfully. "I said we were running into a cul de sac." "A cool de sock!" repeated Greer with irritation. "What did you want to say 'cool de sock' for?"

Still, he continued to ride forward, but he pulled the pony up shortly when he saw the flame spurt from the muzzle of the rifle and heard the shrill hiss of the bullet as it passed dangerously near to him. No words were needed, and neither man spoke any.