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He looked at Spotty the Turtle, and he knew then that he was, for Spotty's face had such a worried look. "Get up, Jerry Muskrat, and come look at the hole you made yesterday in the dam. You couldn't have done your work very well, for the hole has filled up so that the water does not run any more," said Spotty. "I did do it well!" snapped Jerry crossly. "I did it just as well as I know how.

"Spotty's shell is all one piece, but the Armadillo's shell is jointed, so that he can roll up like a ball. Spotty isn't a mammal, as are all of you and all those we have been learning about, but is a reptile. Hardshell the Armadillo, on the other hand, is a true mammal." "Well, all I can say is that he must be a mighty queer looking fellow," declared Peter. "He is," replied Old Mother Nature.

They were very short steps, very short steps indeed, for Spotty's legs are very short. But each one carried him forward just so much, and he knew that he was just so much nearer the thing he was seeking. Anyway, he hoped he was.

It is very interesting/ Mrs. Gunning." "I am aware," says she, "that the expedient was never hit upon before. But Spotty's brush is a great success. It used to make me unhappy to think of leaving this post. All the other cows might find good homes with new owners; but who would care for Spotty?

He had seen the houses of most of his other friends, but think as hard as ever he could, he didn't remember having seen Spotty's. "Hi, Spotty!" he shouted. "Where do you live?" Spotty slowly turned his head and looked up at Peter. There was a twinkle in his eyes, though Peter didn't see it. "Right here in the Smiling Pool. Where else should I live?" he replied.

"Exactly!" he chuckled. "You didn't expect to see me here, did you? Well, it's all right." "Then you're not after me for " She gasped and could not go on. "That last deal was straight. I'm not the one you want." "Don't get Spotty's habit, and throw up your hands just because you see me, Kate," went on the colonel soothingly. "I'm not after you professionally this time.

He had sat that way for the longest time without once moving. Peter Rabbit had seen him when he went by on his way to the Laughing Brook and the Green Forest to look for some one to pass the time of day with. Spotty was still there when Peter returned a long time after, and he didn't look as if he had moved. A sudden thought struck Peter. He couldn't remember that he ever had seen Spotty's house.

"No, it's Spotty the Turtle," said Jerry Muskrat. "It's both," replied Paddy, beginning to laugh. Just then Spotty tumbled over another waterfall which he hadn't seen, and of course Grandfather Frog went with him and lost his hold on Spotty's back. "I have an idea!" cried Paddy. "What is it?" asked Jerry.

Spotty's pal fooled him! What do you mean?" gasped the colonel, his apprehension growing. "Isn't this the diamond cross that Mrs. Larch owned? And yet, if this is here, how could her husband send it to her? And Spotty! Basset, what does it all mean?" "Well, Colonel, I don't know whose cross this is, but whoever lost it didn't lose much.

I wonder if he's telling the truth when he says he didn't go near the place? It was Spotty, or one of his kind, who got in and out without leaving a trace. It took Spotty's skill. But I don't know. I must have another look around the jewelry store." A day or so after his return from the West, the colonel made a close examination of the shop.